######################################################################### # # BPA with JAGS # # Based on the book "Bayesian population analysis using WinBUGS - a hierarchical perspective" by Marc Kéry & Michael Schaub (2012, Academic Press) # ######################################################################### # Michael Schaub, 24.1.2012, revised 9.7.2012, revised 10.12.2013 # This is the BPA code "translated" into JAGS. In many cases there are no differences at all compared to the BUGS code, but sometimes small changes either in the model code or in the function to provide initial values were necessary. When such changes occur, they are most often commented in the code. ######################################################################### # Load packages library(lattice) library(coda) library(R2WinBUGS) library(R2jags) ######################################################################### # Make sure that you have installed JAGS version 3.2.0 setwd("C:/....") # Optional ########################################################################## # # 1. Introduction # ########################################################################## # 1.3. The binomial distribution as a canonical description of the observation process N <- 16 # Population size of sparrows in the yard p <- 0.4 # Individual detection probability rbinom(n = 1, size = N, prob = p) rbinom(n = 1, size = N, prob = p) rbinom(n = 1, size = N, prob = p) C <- rbinom(n = 1000000, size = N, prob = p) mean(C) var(C) sd(C) hist(C, breaks = 50, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Sparrow count", las = 1, freq = FALSE) # 1.4. Structure and overview of the contents of this book # Population values for mean and standard deviation of individual lengths mu <- 65 # Population mean sigma <- 5 # Population SD # Draw a single sample of 10 and summarize it x <- rnorm(n = 10, mean = mu, sd = sigma) reps <- 10^6 sample.means <- rep(NA, reps) for (i in 1:reps){ sample.means[i] <- mean(rnorm(n = 10, mean = mu, sd = sigma)) } # Produce figure par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1) hist(x, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Body length (cm)", las = 1) abline(v = mu, lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = mean(x), lwd = 3, col = "blue") hist(sample.means, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Body length (cm)", nclass = 50, freq = FALSE, las = 1) abline(v = mu, lwd = 5, col = "red") abline(v = mean(sample.means), lwd = 5, col = "blue", lty = 2) sd(sample.means) ########################################################################## # # 2. Very brief introduction to Bayesian statistical modeling # ########################################################################## ######################################################################### # # 3. Introduction to the generalized linear model (GLM): The simplest model for count data # ########################################################################## # 3.2. Statistical models: Response = Signal + Noise # 3.2.1. The noise component plot(density(rbeta(n = 10000, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 4)) hist(rbeta(10^6, 2, 4), nclass = 100, col = "gray") # 3.2.2. The signal component # Define and plot data y <- c(25, 14, 68, 79, 64, 139, 49, 119, 111) A <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)) X <- c(1, 14, 22, 2, 9, 20, 2, 13, 22) plot(X, y, col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 3), rep("green", 3)), xlim = c(-1, 25), ylim = c(0, 140)) summary(fm <- lm(y ~ A-1 + X)) model.matrix(~ A + X) model.matrix(~ A-1 + X) # 3.3. Poisson GLM in R and WinBUGS for modeling times series of counts # 3.3.1. Generation and analysis of simulated data data.fn <- function(n = 40, alpha = 3.5576, beta1 = -0.0912, beta2 = 0.0091, beta3 = -0.00014){ # n: Number of years # alpha, beta1, beta2, beta3: coefficients of a # cubic polynomial of count on year # Generate values of time covariate year <- 1:n # Signal: Build up systematic part of the GLM log.expected.count <- alpha + beta1 * year + beta2 * year^2 + beta3 * year^3 expected.count <- exp(log.expected.count) # Noise: generate random part of the GLM: Poisson noise around expected counts C <- rpois(n = n, lambda = expected.count) # Plot simulated data plot(year, C, type = "b", lwd = 2, col = "black", main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2) lines(year, expected.count, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "red") return(list(n = n, alpha = alpha, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, beta3 = beta3, year = year, expected.count = expected.count, C = C)) } data <- data.fn() fm <- glm(C ~ year + I(year^2) + I(year^3), family = poisson, data = data) summary(fm) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLM_Poisson.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha ~ dunif(-20, 20) beta1 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta2 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta3 ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Likelihood: Note key components of a GLM on one line each for (i in 1:n){ C[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # 1. Distribution for random part log(lambda[i]) <- log.lambda[i] # 2. Link function log.lambda[i] <- alpha + beta1 * year[i] + beta2 * pow(year[i],2) + beta3 * pow(year[i],3) # 3. Linear predictor } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = data$C, n = length(data$C), year = data$year) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -2, 2), beta1 = runif(1, -3, 3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "lambda") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 2 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R out <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Bundle data mean.year <- mean(data$year) # Mean of year covariate sd.year <- sd(data$year) # SD of year covariate win.data <- list(C = data$C, n = length(data$C), year = (data$year - mean.year) / sd.year) # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(out, dig = 3) # New MCMC settings with essentially no burnin ni <- 100 nt <- 1 nb <- 1 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) tmp <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) plot(1:40, data$C, type = "b", lwd = 2, col = "black", main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year") R.predictions <- predict(glm(C ~ year + I(year^2) + I(year^3), family = poisson, data = data), type = "response") lines(1:40, R.predictions, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "green") JAGS.predictions <- out$BUGSoutput$mean$lambda lines(1:40, JAGS.predictions, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", lty = 2) cbind(R.predictions, JAGS.predictions) # An option in JAGS to see the traceplots of all parameters is the following: traceplot(tmp) # 3.3.2. Analysis of real data set # Read data peregrine <- read.table("falcons.txt", header = TRUE) attach(peregrine) plot(Year, Pairs, type = "b", lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Pair count", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 200), pch = 16) # Bundle data mean.year <- mean(1:length(Year)) # Mean of year covariate sd.year <- sd(1:length(Year)) # SD of year covariate win.data <- list(C = Pairs, n = length(Pairs), year = (1: length(Year) - mean.year) / sd.year) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -2, 2), beta1 = runif(1, -3, 3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "lambda") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out1 <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out1, dig = 3) JAGS.predictions <- out1$BUGSoutput$mean$lambda lines(Year, JAGS.predictions, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", lty = 2) # 3.4. Poisson GLM for modeling fecundity plot(Year, Eyasses, type = "b", lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Nestling count", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 260), pch = 16) # Bundle data mean.year <- mean(1:length(Year)) # Mean of year covariate sd.year <- sd(1:length(Year)) # SD of year covariate win.data <- list(C = Eyasses, n = length(Eyasses), year = (1: length(Year) - mean.year) / sd.year) # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out2 <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Plot predictions JAGS.predictions <- out2$BUGSoutput$mean$lambda lines(Year, JAGS.predictions, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 3.5. Binomial GLM for modeling bounded counts or proportions # 3.5.1. Generation and analysis of simulated data data.fn <- function(nyears = 40, alpha = 0, beta1 = -0.1, beta2 = -0.9){ # nyears: Number of years # alpha, beta1, beta2: coefficients # Generate untransformed and transformed values of time covariate year <- 1:nyears YR <- (year-round(nyears/2)) / (nyears / 2) # Generate values of binomial totals (N) N <- round(runif(nyears, min = 20, max = 100)) # Signal: build up systematic part of the GLM exp.p <- plogis(alpha + beta1 * YR + beta2 * (YR^2)) # Noise: generate random part of the GLM: Binomial noise around expected counts (which is N) C <- rbinom(n = nyears, size = N, prob = exp.p) # Plot simulated data plot(year, C/N, type = "b", lwd = 2, col = "black", main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Proportion successful pairs", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 1)) points(year, exp.p, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "red") return(list(nyears = nyears, alpha = alpha, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, year = year, YR = YR, exp.p = exp.p, C = C, N = N)) } data <- data.fn(nyears = 40, alpha = 1, beta1 = -0.03, beta2 = -0.9) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLM_Binomial.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyears){ C[i] ~ dbin(p[i], N[i]) # 1. Distribution for random part logit(p[i]) <- alpha + beta1 * year[i] + beta2 * pow(year[i],2) # link function and linear predictor } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = data$C, N = data$N, nyears = length(data$C), year = data$YR) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -1, 1), beta1 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta2 = runif(1, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "p") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Binomial.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Plot predictions JAGS.predictions <- out$BUGSoutput$mean$p lines(1:length(data$C), JAGS.predictions, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", lty = 2) # 3.5.2. Analysis of real data set # Read data and attach them peregrine <- read.table("falcons.txt", header = TRUE) attach(peregrine) # Bundle data (note yet another standardization for year) win.data <- list(C = R.Pairs, N = Pairs, nyears = length(Pairs), year = (Year-1985)/ 20) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -1, 1), beta1 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta2 = runif(1, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "p") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out3 <- jags(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "GLM_Binomial.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors and plot estimates print(out3, dig = 3) plot(Year, R.Pairs/Pairs, type = "b", lwd = 2, col = "black", main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Proportion successful pairs", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0,1)) lines(Year, out3$BUGSoutput$mean$p, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue") ############################################################################ # # 4. Introduction to random effects: Conventional Poisson GLMM for count data # ############################################################################## # 4.1. Introduction # 4.1.1. An example # Define and plot data mass <- c(25, 14, 68, 79, 64, 139, 49, 119, 111) pop <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)) length <- c(1, 14, 22, 2, 9, 20, 2, 13, 22) plot(length, mass, col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 3), rep("green", 3)), xlim = c(-1, 25), ylim = c(0, 140), cex = 1.5, lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 16, xlab = "Length", ylab = "Mass") # Fit fixed-effects model, print regression parameter estimates and plot regression lines summary(lm <- lm(mass ~ pop-1 + length)) abline(lm$coef[1], lm$coef[4], col = "red", lwd = 3, lty = 2) abline(lm$coef[2], lm$coef[4], col = "blue", lwd = 3, lty = 2) abline(lm$coef[3], lm$coef[4], col = "green", lwd = 3, lty = 2) # Fit mixed model, print random effects and plot regression lines summary(lmm <- lmer(mass ~ length + (1|pop))) ranef(lmm) abline((lmm@fixef[1]+ranef(lmm)$pop)[1,], lmm@fixef[2], col = "red", lwd = 3) abline((lmm@fixef[1]+ranef(lmm)$pop)[2,], lmm@fixef[2], col = "blue", lwd = 3) abline((lmm@fixef[1]+ranef(lmm)$pop)[3,], lmm@fixef[2], col = "green", lwd = 3) # 4.2. Accounting for overdispersion by random effects-modeling in R and WinBUGS # 4.2.1. Generation and analysis of simulated data data.fn <- function(n = 40, alpha = 3.5576, beta1 = -0.0912, beta2 = 0.0091, beta3 = -0.00014, sd = 0.1){ # n: Number of years # alpha, beta1, beta2, beta3: coefficients of a # cubic polynomial of count on year # sd: standard deviation of normal distribution assumed for year effects # Generate values of time covariate year <- 1:n # First level of noise: generate random year effects eps <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sd) # Signal (plus first level of noise): build up systematic part of the GLM and add the random year effects log.expected.count <- alpha + beta1 * year + beta2 * year^2 + beta3 * year^3 + eps expected.count <- exp(log.expected.count) # Second level of noise: generate random part of the GLM: Poisson noise around expected counts C <- rpois(n = n, lambda = expected.count) # Plot simulated data plot(year, C, type = "b", lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 1.1*max(C))) lines(year, expected.count, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "red") return(list(n = n, alpha = alpha, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, beta3 = beta3, year = year, sd = sd, expected.count = expected.count, C = C)) } data <- data.fn() library(lme4) yr <- factor(data$year) # Create a factor year glmm.fit <- lmer(C ~ (1 | yr) + year + I(year^2) + I(year^3), family = poisson, data = data) mny <- mean(data$year) sdy <- sd(data$year) cov1 <- (data$year - mny) / sdy cov2 <- cov1 * cov1 cov3 <- cov1 * cov1 * cov1 glmm.fit <- lmer(C ~ (1 | yr) + cov1 + cov2 + cov3, family = poisson, data = data) glmm.fit R.predictions <- exp(fixef(glmm.fit)[1] + fixef(glmm.fit)[2]*cov1 + fixef(glmm.fit)[3]*cov2 + fixef(glmm.fit)[4]*cov3 + unlist(ranef(glmm.fit))) lines(data$year, R.predictions, col = "green", lwd = 2, type = "l") # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM_Poisson.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha ~ dunif(-20, 20) beta1 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta2 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta3 ~ dunif(-10, 10) tau <- 1 / (sd*sd) sd ~ dunif(0, 5) # Likelihood: note key components of a GLM in one line each for (i in 1:n){ C[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # 1. Distribution for random part log(lambda[i]) <- log.lambda[i] # 2. Link function log.lambda[i] <- alpha + beta1 * year[i] + beta2 * pow(year[i],2) + beta3 * pow(year[i],3) + eps[i] # 3. Linear predictor incl. random year effect eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau) # 4. Definition of random effects dist } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = data$C, n = length(data$C), year = cov1) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -2, 2), beta1 = runif(1, -3, 3), sd = runif(1, 0,1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "lambda", "sd", "eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 30000 nt <- 10 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 2) JAGS.predictions <- out$BUGSoutput$mean$lambda lines(data$year, JAGS.predictions, col = "blue", lwd = 2, type = "l", lty = 2) glm.fit <- glm(C ~ cov1 + cov2 + cov3, family = poisson, data = data) summary(glm.fit) summary(glmm.fit) # 4.2.2. Analysis of real data # Read data again peregrine <- read.table("falcons.txt", header = TRUE) yr <- factor(peregrine$Year) mny <- mean(peregrine$Year) sdy <- sd(peregrine$Year) cov1 <- (peregrine$Year - mny) / sdy cov2 <- cov1 * cov1 cov3 <- cov1 * cov1 * cov1 glmm <- lmer(peregrine$Pairs ~ (1 | yr) + cov1 + cov2 + cov3, family = poisson, data = peregrine) glmm # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = peregrine$Pairs, n = length(peregrine$Pairs), year = cov1) # MCMC settings (may have to adapt) ni <- 30000 nt <- 10 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) # 4.3. Mixed models with random effects for variability among groups (site and year effects) # 4.3.1. Generation and analysis of simulated data data.fn <- function(nsite = 5, nyear = 40, alpha = 4.18456, beta1 = 1.90672, beta2 = 0.10852, beta3 = -1.17121, sd.site = 0.5, sd.year = 0.2){ # nsite: Number of populations # nyear: Number of years # alpha, beta1, beta2, beta3: cubic polynomial coefficients of year # sd.site: standard deviation of the normal distribution assumed for the population intercepts alpha # sd.year: standard deviation of the normal distribution assumed for the year effects # We standardize the year covariate so that it runs from about 1 to 1 # Generate data structure to hold counts and log(lambda) C <- log.expected.count <- array(NA, dim = c(nyear, nsite)) # Generate covariate values year <- 1:nyear yr <- (year-20)/20 # Standardize site <- 1:nsite # Draw two sets of random effects from their respective distribution alpha.site <- rnorm(n = nsite, mean = alpha, sd = sd.site) eps.year <- rnorm(n = nyear, mean = 0, sd = sd.year) # Loop over populations for (j in 1:nsite){ # Signal (plus first level of noise): build up systematic part of the GLM including random site and year effects log.expected.count[,j] <- alpha.site[j] + beta1 * yr + beta2 * yr^2 + beta3 * yr^3 + eps.year expected.count <- exp(log.expected.count[,j]) # Second level of noise: generate random part of the GLM: Poisson noise around expected counts C[,j] <- rpois(n = nyear, lambda = expected.count) } # Plot simulated data matplot(year, C, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year") return(list(nsite = nsite, nyear = nyear, alpha.site = alpha.site, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, beta3 = beta3, year = year, sd.site = sd.site, sd.year = sd.year, expected.count = expected.count, C = C)) } data <- data.fn(nsite = 100, nyear = 40, sd.site = 0.3, sd.year = 0.2) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM_Poisson.jags") cat(" model { # Priors for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(mu, tau.alpha) # 4. Random site effects } mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Hyperparameter 1 tau.alpha <- 1 / (sd.alpha*sd.alpha) # Hyperparameter 2 sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 2) for (p in 1:3){ beta[p] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) } tau.year <- 1 / (sd.year*sd.year) sd.year ~ dunif(0, 1) # Hyperparameter 3 # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.year) # 4. Random year effects for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) # 1. Distribution for random part lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) # 2. Link function log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha[j] + beta[1] * year[i] + beta[2] * pow(year[i],2) + beta[3] * pow(year[i],3) + eps[i] # 3. Linear predictor including random site and random year effects } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = data$C, nsite = ncol(data$C), nyear = nrow(data$C), year = (data$year-20) / 20) # Note year standardized # Initial values inits <- function() list(mu = runif(1, 0, 2), alpha = runif(data$nsite, -1, 1), beta = runif(3, -1, 1), sd.alpha = runif(1, 0, 0.1), sd.year = runif(1, 0, 0.1)) # Parameters monitored (may want to add "lambda") params <- c("mu", "alpha", "beta", "sd.alpha", "sd.year") # MCMC settings (may have to adapt) ni <- 100000 nt <- 50 nb <- 50000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 98 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM_Poisson.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) # 4.3.2. Analysis of real data set # Read in the tit data and have a look at them tits <- read.table("tits.txt", header = TRUE) str(tits) C <- as.matrix(tits[5:13]) obs <- as.matrix(tits[14:22]) first <- as.matrix(tits[23:31]) matplot(1999:2007, t(C), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Territory counts", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 80), frame = FALSE) table(obs) length(table(obs)) apply(first, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) a <- as.numeric(levels(factor(obs))) # All the levels, numeric newobs <- obs # Gets ObsID from 1:271 for (j in 1:length(a)){newobs[which(obs==a[j])] <- j } table(newobs) newobs[is.na(newobs)] <- 272 table(newobs) first[is.na(first)] <- 0 table(first) # (a) Null or intercept-only model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLM0.jags") cat(" model { # Prior alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # log(mean count) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -10, 10)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out0 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLM0.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out0, dig = 3) # (b) Fixed site effects # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLM1.jags") cat(" model { # Priors for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Site effects } # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha[j] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C)) # Initial values (not required for all) inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(235, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLM1.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out1, dig = 2) # (c) Fixed site and fixed year effects # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLM2.jags") cat(" model { # Priors for (j in 1:nsite){ # site effects alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) } for (i in 2:nyear){ # nyear-1 year effects eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) } eps[1] <- 0 # Aliased # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha[j] + eps[i] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(235, -1, 1), eps = c(NA, runif(8, -1, 1))) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLM2.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out2, dig = 2) # (d) Random site effects (no year effects) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM1.jags") cat(" model { # Priors for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha, tau.alpha) # Random site effects } mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) tau.alpha <- 1/ (sd.alpha * sd.alpha) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 5) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha[j] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(mu.alpha = runif(1, 2, 3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "mu.alpha", "sd.alpha") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out3 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM1.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out3, dig = 2) # (e) Random site and random year effects # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM2.jags") cat(" model { # Priors mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Grand mean for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.alpha) # Random site effects } tau.alpha <- 1/ (sd.alpha * sd.alpha) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 5) for (i in 1:nyear){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eps) # Random year effects } tau.eps <- 1/ (sd.eps * sd.eps) sd.eps ~ dunif(0, 3) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- mu + alpha[j] + eps[i] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C)) # Initial values (not required for all) inits <- function() list(mu = runif(1, 0, 4), alpha = runif(235, -2, 2), eps = runif(9, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu", "alpha", "eps", "sd.alpha", "sd.eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 nt <- 5 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) out4 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM2.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out4, dig = 2) # (f) Random site and random year effects and first-year fixed observer effect # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM3.jags") cat(" model { # Priors mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Overall mean beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # First-year observer effect for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.alpha) # Random site effects } tau.alpha <- 1/ (sd.alpha * sd.alpha) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 5) for (i in 1:nyear){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eps) # Random year effects } tau.eps <- 1/ (sd.eps * sd.eps) sd.eps ~ dunif(0, 5) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- mu + beta2 * first[i,j] + alpha[j] + eps[i] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C), first = t(first)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(mu = runif(1, 0, 4), beta2 = runif(1, -1, 1), alpha = runif(235, -2, 2), eps = runif(9, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu", "beta2", "alpha", "eps", "sd.alpha", "sd.eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 nt <- 5 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) out5 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM3.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out5, dig = 2) # (g) Random site and random year effects, first-year fixed observer effect and overall linear time trend # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM4.jags") cat(" model { # Priors mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Overall intercept beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Overall trend beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # First-year observer effect for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.alpha) # Random site effects } tau.alpha <- 1/ (sd.alpha * sd.alpha) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 5) for (i in 1:nyear){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eps) # Random year effects } tau.eps <- 1/ (sd.eps * sd.eps) sd.eps ~ dunif(0, 3) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- mu + beta1 * year[i] + beta2 * first[i,j] + alpha[j] + eps[i] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C), first = t(first), year = ((1:9)-5) / 4) # Initial values inits <- function() list(mu = runif(1, 0, 4), beta1 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta2 = runif(1, -1, 1), alpha = runif(235, -2, 2), eps = runif(9, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu", "beta1", "beta2", "alpha", "eps", "sd.alpha", "sd.eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 nt <- 6 nb <- 6000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 7 min) out6 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM4.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out6, dig = 2) # (h) The full model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("GLMM5.jags") cat(" model { # Priors mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Overall intercept beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Overall trend beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # First-year observer effect for (j in 1:nsite){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.alpha) # Random site effects } tau.alpha <- 1/ (sd.alpha * sd.alpha) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 3) for (i in 1:nyear){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eps) # Random year effects } tau.eps <- 1/ (sd.eps * sd.eps) sd.eps ~ dunif(0, 1) for (k in 1:nobs){ gamma[k] ~ dnorm(0, tau.gamma) # Random observer effects } tau.gamma <- 1/ (sd.gamma * sd.gamma) sd.gamma ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nyear){ for (j in 1:nsite){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j]) log.lambda[i,j] <- mu + beta1 * year[i] + beta2 * first[i,j] + alpha[j] + gamma[newobs[i,j]] + eps[i] } #j } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C), nobs = 272, newobs = t(newobs), first = t(first), year = ((1:9)-5) / 4) # Initial values inits <- function() list(mu = runif(1, 0, 4), beta1 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta2 = runif(1, -1, 1), alpha = runif(235, -1, 1), gamma = runif(272, -1, 1), eps = runif(9, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu", "beta1", "beta2", "alpha", "gamma", "eps", "sd.alpha", "sd.gamma", "sd.eps") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 nt <- 6 nb <- 6000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 11 min) out7 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "GLMM5.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out7, dig = 2) ######################################################################## # # 5. State-space models # ########################################################################### # 5.2. A simple model n.years <- 25 # Number of years N1 <- 30 # Initial population size mean.lambda <- 1.02 # Mean annual population growth rate sigma2.lambda <- 0.02 # Process (temporal) variation of the growth rate sigma2.y <- 20 # Variance of the observation error y <- N <- numeric(n.years) N[1] <- N1 lambda <- rnorm(n.years-1, mean.lambda, sqrt(sigma2.lambda)) for (t in 1:(n.years-1)){ N[t+1] <- N[t] * lambda[t] } for (t in 1:n.years){ y[t] <- rnorm(1, N[t], sqrt(sigma2.y)) } # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ssm.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints N.est[1] ~ dunif(0, 500) # Prior for initial population size mean.lambda ~ dunif(0, 10) # Prior for mean growth rate sigma.proc ~ dunif(0, 10) # Prior for sd of state process sigma2.proc <- pow(sigma.proc, 2) tau.proc <- pow(sigma.proc, -2) sigma.obs ~ dunif(0, 100) # Prior for sd of observation process sigma2.obs <- pow(sigma.obs, 2) tau.obs <- pow(sigma.obs, -2) # Likelihood # State process for (t in 1:(T-1)){ lambda[t] ~ dnorm(mean.lambda, tau.proc) N.est[t+1] <- N.est[t] * lambda[t] } # Observation process for (t in 1:T) { y[t] ~ dnorm(N.est[t], tau.obs) } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = y, T = n.years) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(sigma.proc = runif(1, 0, 5), mean.lambda = runif(1, 0.1, 2), sigma.obs = runif(1, 0, 10), N.est = c(runif(1, 20, 40), rep(NA, (n.years-1))))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("lambda", "mean.lambda", "sigma2.obs", "sigma2.proc", "N.est") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 nt <- 3 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) ssm <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ssm.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Define function to draw a graph to summarize results graph.ssm <- function(ssm, N, y){ fitted <- lower <- upper <- numeric() n.years <- length(y) for (i in 1:n.years){ fitted[i] <- mean(ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i]) lower[i] <- quantile(ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i], 0.025) upper[i] <- quantile(ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i], 0.975)} m1 <- min(c(y, fitted, N, lower)) m2 <- max(c(y, fitted, N, upper)) par(mar = c(4.5, 4, 1, 1), cex = 1.2) plot(0, 0, ylim = c(m1, m2), xlim = c(0.5, n.years), ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", las = 1, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 2, frame = FALSE, axes = FALSE) axis(2, las = 1) axis(1, at = seq(0, n.years, 5), labels = seq(0, n.years, 5)) axis(1, at = 0:n.years, labels = rep("", n.years + 1), tcl = -0.25) polygon(x = c(1:n.years, n.years:1), y = c(lower, upper[n.years:1]), col = "gray90", border = "gray90") points(N, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 2) points(y, type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 2) points(fitted, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 2) legend(x = 1, y = m2, legend = c("True", "Observed", "Estimated"), lty = c(1, 1, 1), lwd = c(2, 2, 2), col = c("red", "black", "blue"), bty = "n", cex = 1) } # Execute function: Produce figure graph.ssm(ssm, N, y) # 5.3. Systematic bias in the observation process n.years <- 25 # Number of years N <- rep(50, n.years) p <- 0.7 y <- numeric(n.years) for (t in 1:n.years){ y[t] <- rbinom(1, N[t], p) } y # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = y, T = n.years) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(sigma.proc = runif(1, 0, 5), mean.lambda = runif(1, 0.1, 2), sigma.obs = runif(1, 0, 10), N.est = c(runif(1, 30, 60), rep(NA, (n.years-1))))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("lambda", "mean.lambda", "sigma2.obs", "sigma2.proc", "N.est") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 nt <- 3 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) ssm <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ssm.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(ssm, digits = 3) # Produce figure graph.ssm(ssm, N, y) n.years <- 25 # Number of years N <- rep(50, n.years) lp <- -0.5 + 0.1*(1:n.years) # Increasing trend of logit p p <- plogis(lp) y <- numeric(n.years) for (t in 1:n.years){ y[t] <- rbinom(1, N[t], p[t]) } # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = y, T = n.years) # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) ssm <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ssm.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Produce figure graph.ssm(ssm, N, y) points(N*p, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 2) legend(x = 1, y = 45.5, legend = "Np", lwd = 2, col = "black", lty = 2, bty = "n") # 5.4. Real example: House martin population counts in the village of Magden # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ssm.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints logN.est[1] ~ dnorm(5.6, 0.01) # Prior for initial population size mean.r ~ dnorm(1, 0.001) # Prior for mean growth rate sigma.proc ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for sd of state process sigma2.proc <- pow(sigma.proc, 2) tau.proc <- pow(sigma.proc, -2) sigma.obs ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for sd of observation process sigma2.obs <- pow(sigma.obs, 2) tau.obs <- pow(sigma.obs, -2) # Likelihood # State process for (t in 1:(T-1)){ r[t] ~ dnorm(mean.r, tau.proc) logN.est[t+1] <- logN.est[t] + r[t] } # Observation process for (t in 1:T) { y[t] ~ dnorm(logN.est[t], tau.obs) } # Population sizes on real scale for (t in 1:T) { N.est[t] <- exp(logN.est[t]) } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # House martin population data from Magden pyears <- 6 # Number of future years with predictions hm <- c(271, 261, 309, 318, 231, 216, 208, 226, 195, 226, 233, 209, 226, 192, 191, 225, 245, 205, 191, 174, rep(NA, pyears)) year <- 1990:(2009 + pyears) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = log(hm), T = length(year)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(sigma.proc = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.r = rnorm(1), sigma.obs = runif(1, 0, 1), logN.est = c(rnorm(1, 5.6, 0.1), rep(NA, (length(year)-1))))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("r", "mean.r", "sigma2.obs", "sigma2.proc", "N.est") # MCMC settings ni <- 200000 nt <- 6 nb <- 100000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) hm.ssm <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ssm.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(hm.ssm, digits = 3) # Draw figure fitted <- lower <- upper <- numeric() year <- 1990:2015 n.years <- length(hm) for (i in 1:n.years){ fitted[i] <- mean(hm.ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i]) lower[i] <- quantile(hm.ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i], 0.025) upper[i] <- quantile(hm.ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,i], 0.975)} m1 <- min(c(fitted, hm, lower), na.rm = TRUE) m2 <- max(c(fitted, hm, upper), na.rm = TRUE) par(mar = c(4.5, 4, 1, 1)) plot(0, 0, ylim = c(m1, m2), xlim = c(1, n.years), ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 2, axes = FALSE, frame = FALSE) axis(2, las = 1) axis(1, at = 1:n.years, labels = year) polygon(x = c(1:n.years, n.years:1), y = c(lower, upper[n.years:1]), col = "gray90", border = "gray90") points(hm, type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 2) points(fitted, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 2) legend(x = 1, y = 150, legend = c("Counts", "Estimates"), lty = c(1, 1), lwd = c(2, 2), col = c("black", "blue"), bty = "n", cex = 1) # Probability of N(2015) < N(2009) mean(hm.ssm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N.est[,26] < hm.ssm$BUGSoutput$mean$N.est[20]) ####################################################################### # # 6. Estimation of the size of a closed population # ####################################################################### # 6.2. Generation and analysis of simulated data with data augmentation # 6.2.1. Introduction to data augmentation for the simplest case: model M0 # Define function to simulate data under M0 data.fn <- function(N = 100, p = 0.5, T = 3){ yfull <- yobs <- array(NA, dim = c(N, T)) for (j in 1:T){ yfull[,j] <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = p) } ever.detected <- apply(yfull, 1, max) C <- sum(ever.detected) yobs <- yfull[ever.detected == 1,] cat(C, "out of", N, "animals present were detected.\n") return(list(N = N, p = p, C = C, T = T, yfull = yfull, yobs = yobs)) } data <- data.fn() str(data) # Augment data set by 150 potential individuals nz <- 150 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) # Inclusion indicators for (j in 1:T){ yaug[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p # Can only be detected if z=1 } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(yaug)), p = runif(1, 0, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "p", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 50, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 150)) abline(v = data$C, lwd = 3) nz <- 5 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = dim(yaug)[1], T = dim(yaug)[2]) out5 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(out5, dig = 3) par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) hist(out5$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "Augmentation by 5", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 140)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(out5$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N), col = "blue", lwd = 3) nz <- 150 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = dim(yaug)[1], T = dim(yaug)[2]) out150 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(out150, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "Augmentation by 150", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 140)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(out150$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N), col = "blue", lwd = 3) nz <- 1500 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = dim(yaug)[1], T = dim(yaug)[2]) out1500 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(out1500, dig = 3) hist(out1500$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "Augmentation by 1500", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 140)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(out1500$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # 6.2.2. Time effects: model Mt # Define function to simulate data under Mt data.fn <- function(N = 100, mean.p = 0.5, T = 3, time.eff = runif(T, -2, 2)){ yfull <- yobs <- array(NA, dim = c(N, T) ) p.vec <- array(NA, dim = T) for (j in 1:T){ p <- plogis(log(mean.p / (1-mean.p)) + time.eff[j]) yfull[,j] <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = p) p.vec[j] <- p } ever.detected <- apply(yfull, 1, max) C <- sum(ever.detected) yobs <- yfull[ever.detected == 1,] cat(C, "out of", N, "animals present were detected.\n") return(list(N = N, p.vec = p.vec, C = C, T = T, yfull = yfull, yobs = yobs)) } data <- data.fn() # Augment data set nz <- 150 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (i in 1:T){ p[i] ~ dunif(0, 1) } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) for (j in 1:T){ yaug[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[j] } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } # end model ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(yaug)), p = runif(data$T, 0, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "p", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 40, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(70, 150)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) # 6.2.3. Behavioral or memory effects: model Mb # Define function to simulate data under Mb data.fn <- function(N = 200, T = 5, p = 0.3, c = 0.4){ yfull <- yobs <- array(NA, dim = c(N, T) ) p.eff <- array(NA, dim = N) # First capture occasion yfull[,1] <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = p) # Later capture occasions for (j in 2:T){ p.eff <- (1 - yfull[,(j-1)]) * p + yfull[,(j-1)] * c yfull[,j] <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = p.eff) } ever.detected <- apply(yfull, 1, max) C <- sum(ever.detected) yobs <- yfull[ever.detected == 1,] cat(C, "out of", N, "animals present were detected.\n") return(list(N = N, p = p, c = c, C = C, T = T, yfull = yfull, yobs = yobs)) } data <- data.fn(N = 200) # Augment data set nz <- 150 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim = c(nz, data$T))) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Cap prob when caught at t-1 c ~ dunif(0, 1) # Cap prob when not caught at t-1 # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) # First occasion yaug[i,1] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,1]) p.eff[i,1] <- z[i] * p # All subsequent occasions for (j in 2:T){ yaug[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * ( (1-yaug[i,(j-1)]) * p + yaug[i,(j-1)] * c ) } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) trap.response <- c - p } # end model ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(yaug = yaug, M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(yaug)), p = runif(1, 0, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "p", "c", "trap.response", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 40, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(150, 300)) abline(v= data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) # 6.2.4. Individual (random) effects: the heterogeneity model Mh # Define function to simulate data under Mh data.fn <- function(N = 100, mean.p = 0.4, T = 5, sd = 1){ yfull <- yobs <- array(NA, dim = c(N, T) ) mean.lp <- log(mean.p / (1-mean.p)) p.vec <- plogis(mean.lp+ rnorm(N, 0, sd)) for (i in 1:N){ yfull[i,] <- rbinom(n = T, size = 1, prob = p.vec[i]) } ever.detected <- apply(yfull, 1, max) C <- sum(ever.detected) yobs <- yfull[ever.detected == 1,] cat(C, "out of", N, "animals present were detected.\n") hist(p.vec, xlim = c(0,1), nclass = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Detection probability", las = 1) return(list(N = N, p.vec = p.vec, mean.lp = mean.lp, C = C, T = T, yfull = yfull, yobs = yobs)) } data <- data.fn() # Aggregate capture-histories and augment data set y <- sort(apply(data$yobs, 1, sum), decreasing = TRUE) nz <- 300 yaug <- c(y, rep(0, nz)) yaug # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.lp <- logit(mean.p) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) tau <- 1 / (sd * sd) sd ~ dunif(0, 5) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) logit(p[i]) <- eps[i] eps[i] ~ dnorm(mean.lp, tau)T(-16, 16) # See web appendix A in Royle (2009): but JAGS needs T instead of I p.eff[i] <- z[i] * p[i] y[i] ~ dbin(p.eff[i], T) } # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = yaug, M = length(yaug), T = ncol(data$yobs)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, length(yaug)), sd = runif(1, 0.1, 0.9)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "mean.p", "sd", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 nt <- 2 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 6 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 50, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 250)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) # 6.2.5. Combined effects: model Mth # Define function to simulate data under Mth data.fn <- function(N = 100, T = 5, mean.p = 0.4, time.effects = runif(T, -1, 1), sd = 1){ yfull <- yobs <- p <- array(NA, dim = c(N, T) ) mean.lp <- log(mean.p / (1-mean.p)) # mean p on logit scale eps <- rnorm(N, 0, sd) # Individual effects for (j in 1:T){ pp <- p[,j] <- plogis(mean.lp + time.effects[j] + eps) yfull[,j] <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = pp) } ever.detected <- apply(yfull, 1, max) C <- sum(ever.detected) yobs <- yfull[ever.detected == 1,] cat(C, "out of", N, "animals present were detected.\n") cat("Mean p per occasion:", round(apply(p, 2, mean), 2), "\n") par(mfrow = c(2,1)) plot(plogis(mean.lp + time.effects), xlab = "Occasion", type = "b", main = "Approx. mean p at each occasion", ylim = c(0, 1)) hist(plogis(mean.lp + eps), xlim = c(0, 1), col = "gray", main = "Approx. distribution of p at average occasion") return(list(N = N, mean.lp = mean.lp, time.effects = time.effects, sd = sd, eps = eps, C = C, T = T, yfull = yfull, yobs = yobs)) } data <- data.fn() # data<-data.fn(T = 10, mean.p = 0.2, time.effects = runif(10, 0, 0), sd = 0) # M0 # data<-data.fn(T = 10, mean.p = 0.5, time.effects = runif(10, 0, 0), sd = 1) # Mh # data <- data.fn(T = 10, sd = 0) # Mt # Augment data set nz <- 300 yaug <- rbind(data$yobs, array(0, dim=c(nz, data$T))) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (j in 1:T){ mean.lp[j] <- log(mean.p[j] / (1 - mean.p[j]) ) # Define logit mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1) } tau <- 1 / (sd * sd) sd ~ dunif(0,5) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau)T(-16, 16) # See web appendix A in Royle (2009): but JAGS needs T instead of I for (j in 1:T){ lp[i,j] <- mean.lp[j] + eps[i] p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j])) # Define logit p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = yaug, M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(yaug)), sd = runif(1, 0.1, 0.9)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "mean.p", "mean.lp", "sd", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 nt <- 2 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 47 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, nclass = 50, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(80, 200)) abline(v = data$C, col = "black", lwd = 3) # 6.3. Analysis of a real data set: model Mtbh for species richness estimation # Read in data and look at them p610 <- read.table("p610.txt", header = TRUE) y <- p610[,5:9] # Grab counts y[y > 1] <- 1 # Counts to det-nondetections C <- sum(apply(y, 1, max)) ; print(C) # Number of observed species table(apply(y, 1, sum)) # Capture-frequencies # Specify model in BUGS language sink("M_tbh.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (j in 1:T){ alpha[j] <- log(mean.p[j] / (1-mean.p[j])) # Define logit mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Detection intercepts } gamma ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) tau <- 1 / (sd * sd) sd ~ dunif(0, 3) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau)T(-16, 16) # First occasion: no term for recapture (gamma) y[i,1] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,1]) p.eff[i,1] <- z[i] * p[i,1] p[i,1] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,1])) lp[i,1] <- alpha[1] + eps[i] # All subsequent occasions: includes recapture term (gamma) for (j in 2:T){ y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- alpha[j] + eps[i] + gamma * y[i,(j-1)] } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = as.matrix(y), M = nrow(y), T = ncol(y)) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(y)), sd = runif(1, 0.1, 0.9)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "mean.p", "gamma", "sd", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 4 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 24 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "M_tbh.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors and plot posterior for N print(out, dig = 3) par(mfrow = c(1,2)) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, breaks = 35, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Community size", las = 1, xlim = c(30, 100), freq = FALSE) abline(v = C, col = "black", lwd = 3) # Define model sink("M0.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(omega) for (j in 1:T){ y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } # end model ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(y))) # Define parameters to be monitored params <- c("N", "p", "omega") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 4 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out0 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "M0.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Inspect output print(out0, dig = 3) # 6.4. Capture-recapture models with individual covariates: model Mt+X # 6.4.1. Individual covariate model for species richness estimation p610 <- read.table("p610.txt", header = TRUE) y <- p610[,5:9] # Grab counts y[y > 1] <- 1 # Convert to det-nondetections ever.observed <- apply(y, 1, max) wt <- p610$bm[ever.observed == 1] # Body mass yy <- as.matrix(y[ever.observed == 1,]) # Detection histories dimnames(yy) <- NULL mlog <- mean(log(p610$bm^(1/3))) sdlog <- sd(log(p610$bm^(1/3))) hist(p610$bm^(1/3), xlim = c(0, 30), nclass = 25, freq = FALSE, col = "gray") lines(density(rlnorm(n = 10^6, meanlog = mlog, sdlog = sdlog)), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Augment both data sets nz = 150 yaug <- rbind(yy, array(0, dim = c(nz, ncol(yy)))) logwt3 <- c(log(wt^(1/3)), rep(NA, nz)) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("M_t+X.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (j in 1:T){ alpha[j] <- log(mean.p[j] / (1-mean.p[j])) mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1) } beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) mu.size ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) tau.size <- 1 / pow(sd.size, 2) sd.size ~ dunif(0, prior.sd.upper) # Provide upper bound as data # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # Loop over individuals z[i] ~ dbern(omega) size[i] ~ dnorm(mu.size, tau.size)T(-6,6) for (j in 1:T){ # Loop over occasions y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- alpha[j] + beta * size[i] } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = yaug, size = logwt3 - mean(logwt3, na.rm = TRUE), M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug), prior.sd.upper = 3) # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = rep(1, nrow(yaug)), beta = runif(1, 0, 1), mu.size = rnorm(1, 0, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("N", "mean.p", "beta", "omega", "mu.size", "sd.size") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 4 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 19 min) outX <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "M_t+X.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors and plot posterior for N print(outX, dig = 3) hist(outX$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, breaks = 100, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Community size", las = 1, xlim = c(30, 100), freq = FALSE) abline(v = 31, col = "black", lwd = 3) pred.wt <- seq(5, 2000, length.out = 100) # Cov. vals for prediction pred.wt.st <- log(pred.wt^(1/3))- mean(logwt3, na.rm = TRUE) # Transform them in the same was as in the analysis pred.p<- plogis(log(mean(outX$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.p)/(1- mean(outX$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.p))) + outX$BUGSoutput$mean$beta * pred.wt.st) # Compute predicted response plot(pred.wt, pred.p, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.5)) # 6.4.2. Individual covariate model for population size estimation # Read in data and look at shell width distribution pinna <- read.table("pinna.txt", header = TRUE) y <- cbind(pinna$d1, pinna$d2) size <- pinna$width hist(size, col = "gray", nclass = 50, xlim = c(0, 30), freq = FALSE) lines(density(rnorm(10^6, mean = mean(size), sd = sd(size))), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Augment both data sets nz = 150 yaug <- rbind(y, array(0, dim = c(nz, ncol(y)))) size <- c(size, rep(NA, nz)) # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = yaug, size = size - mean(size, na.rm = TRUE), M = nrow(yaug), T = ncol(yaug), prior.sd.upper = 5) # Specify model in BUGS language. Is exactly the same model as before, but without a truncation of the normal distribution for size sink("M_t+X.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (j in 1:T){ alpha[j] <- log(mean.p[j] / (1-mean.p[j])) mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1) } beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) mu.size ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) tau.size <- 1 / pow(sd.size, 2) sd.size ~ dunif(0, prior.sd.upper) # Provide upper bound as data # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # Loop over individuals z[i] ~ dbern(omega) size[i] ~ dnorm(mu.size, tau.size) for (j in 1:T){ # Loop over occasions y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- alpha[j] + beta * size[i] } #j } #i # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) outXX <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "M_t+X.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(outXX, dig = 2) # Plot posterior for N and prediction of p par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(4.5, 4, 2, 1)) hist(outXX$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N, breaks = 30, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Population size", las = 1, xlim = c(143, 220), freq = FALSE) abline(v = 143, col = "black", lwd = 3) pred.size <- seq(0, 30, length.out = 1000) # Cov. vals for prediction pred.size.st <- pred.size - mean(size, na.rm = TRUE) # Transform them pred.p<- plogis(log(mean(outXX$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.p)/(1- mean(outXX$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.p))) + outXX$BUGSoutput$mean$beta * pred.size.st) # Compute predicted detection prob. plot(pred.size, pred.p, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Shell width (cm)", ylab = "Predicted detection probability") #################################################################### # # 7. Estimation of survival probabilities using capture-recapture data # ##################################################################### # 7.3. Models with constant parameters # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 6 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(50, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals phi <- rep(0.65, n.occasions-1) p <- rep(0.4, n.occasions-1) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI <- matrix(phi, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) P <- matrix(p, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Define function to simulate a capture-history (CH) matrix simul.cjs <- function(PHI, P, marked){ n.occasions <- dim(PHI)[2] + 1 CH <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked)) # Define a vector with the occasion of marking mark.occ <- rep(1:length(marked), marked[1:length(marked)]) # Fill the CH matrix for (i in 1:sum(marked)){ CH[i, mark.occ[i]] <- 1 # Write an 1 at the release occasion if (mark.occ[i]==n.occasions) next for (t in (mark.occ[i]+1):n.occasions){ # Bernoulli trial: does individual survive occasion? sur <- rbinom(1, 1, PHI[i,t-1]) if (sur==0) break # If dead, move to next individual # Bernoulli trial: is individual recaptured? rp <- rbinom(1, 1, P[i,t-1]) if (rp==1) CH[i,t] <- 1 } #t } #i return(CH) } # Execute function CH <- simul.cjs(PHI, P, marked) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-c-c.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- mean.phi p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2]) # Initial values # In JAGS we have to give good initial values for the latent state z. At all occasions when an individual was observed, its state is z = 1 for sure. In addition, if an individual was not observed at an occasion, but was alive for sure, because it was observed before and thereafter (i.e. has a capture history of e.g. {101} or {10001}), then we know that the individual was alive at all of these occasions, and thus z = 1. Therefore, we should provide initial values of z = 1 at these positions as well. The following function provides such initial values from the observed capture histories: known.state.cjs <- function(ch){ state <- ch for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ n1 <- min(which(ch[i,]==1)) n2 <- max(which(ch[i,]==1)) state[i,n1:n2] <- 1 state[i,n1] <- NA } state[state==0] <- NA return(state) } # (Note that the function known.state.cjs is used in section 7.3.1 as well for another purpose) inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), z = known.state.cjs(CH))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) cjs.c.c <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-c-c.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.c.c, digits = 3) # 7.3.1. Inclusion of information about latent state variable # Function to create a matrix with information about known latent state z known.state.cjs <- function(ch){ state <- ch for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ n1 <- min(which(ch[i,]==1)) n2 <- max(which(ch[i,]==1)) state[i,n1:n2] <- 1 state[i,n1] <- NA } state[state==0] <- NA return(state) } # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH)) # Function to create a matrix of initial values for latent state z cjs.init.z <- function(ch,f){ for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ if (sum(ch[i,])==1) next n2 <- max(which(ch[i,]==1)) ch[i,f[i]:n2] <- NA } for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ ch[i,1:f[i]] <- NA } return(ch) } # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) cjs.c.c <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-c-c.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.c.c, digits = 3) # 7.4. Models with time-variation # 7.4.1. Fixed time effects # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- alpha[t] p[i,t] <- beta[t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ alpha[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for time-spec. survival beta[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for time-spec. recapture } # 7.4.2. Random time effects # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 20 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals mean.phi <- 0.65 var.phi <- 1 # Temporal variance of survival p <- rep(0.4, n.occasions-1) # Determine annual survival probabilities logit.phi <- rnorm(n.occasions-1, qlogis(mean.phi), var.phi^0.5) phi <- plogis(logit.phi) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI <- matrix(phi, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) P <- matrix(p, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Simulate capture-histories CH <- simul.cjs(PHI, P, marked) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-temp-raneff.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mu + epsilon[t] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau) } #mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Prior for logit of mean survival #mean.phi <- 1 / (1+exp(-mu)) # Logit transformation mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mu <- log(mean.phi / (1-mean.phi)) # Logit transformation sigma ~ dunif(0, 10) # Prior for standard deviation tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) # Temporal variance mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 10), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.p", "sigma2") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 17 min) cjs.ran <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-temp-raneff.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.ran, digits = 3) # Produce histogram hist(cjs.ran$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2, col = "gray", nclass = 35, las = 1, xlab = expression(sigma^2), main = "") abline(v = var.phi, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 7.4.3. Temporal covariates # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 20 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(15, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals mean.phi <- 0.65 p <- rep(0.4, n.occasions-1) beta <- -0.3 # Slope of survival-winter relationship r.var <- 0.2 # Residual temporal variance # Draw annual survival probabilities winter <- rnorm(n.occasions-1, 0, 1^0.5) logit.phi <- qlogis(mean.phi) + beta*winter + rnorm(n.occasions-1, 0, r.var^0.5) phi <- plogis(logit.phi) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI <- matrix(phi, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) P <- matrix(p, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Simulate capture-histories CH <- simul.cjs(PHI, P, marked) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-cov-raneff.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mu + beta*x[t] + epsilon[t] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau) phi.est[t] <- 1 / (1+exp(-mu-beta*x[t]-epsilon[t])) # Yearly survival } mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Prior for logit of mean survival mean.phi <- 1 / (1+exp(-mu)) # Logit transformation beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)I(-10, 10) # Prior for slope parameter sigma ~ dunif(0, 10) # Prior on standard deviation tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) # Residual temporal variance mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), x = winter) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), mu = rnorm(1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 5), beta = runif(1, -5, 5), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.p", "phi.est", "sigma2", "beta") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 12 min) cjs.cov <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-cov-raneff.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.cov, digits = 3) # Produce graph par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1) hist(cjs.cov$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta, nclass = 25, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(beta), ylab = "Frequency") abline(v = -0.3, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(cjs.cov$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2, nclass = 50, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(sigma^2), ylab = "Frequency", xlim=c(0, 3)) abline(v = 0.2, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 7.5. Models with individual variation # 7.5.1. Fixed group effects # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 12 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals phi.f <- rep(0.65, n.occasions-1) # Survival of females p.f <- rep(0.6, n.occasions-1) # Recapture of females phi.m <- rep(0.8, n.occasions-1) # Survival of males p.m <- rep(0.3, n.occasions-1) # Reacpture of males # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI.F <- matrix(phi.f, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) P.F <- matrix(p.f, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) PHI.M <- matrix(phi.m, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) P.M <- matrix(p.m, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Simulate capture-histories CH.F <- simul.cjs(PHI.F, P.F, marked) CH.M <- simul.cjs(PHI.M, P.M, marked) # Merge capture-histories by row CH <- rbind(CH.F, CH.M) # Create group variable group <- c(rep(1, dim(CH.F)[1]), rep(2, dim(CH.M)[1])) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in JAGS language sink("cjs-group.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- phi.g[group[i]] p[i,t] <- p.g[group[i]] } #t } #i for (u in 1:g){ phi.g[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for group-specific survival p.g[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for group-specific recapture } # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), g = length(unique(group)), group = group) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), phi.g = runif(length(unique(group)), 0, 1), p.g = runif(length(unique(group)), 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phi.g", "p.g") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 2 min) cjs.group <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-group.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.group, digits = 3) # 7.5.2. Random group effects # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- beta[group[i]] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (u in 1:g){ beta[u] ~ dnorm(mean.beta, tau) phi.g[u] <- 1 / (1+exp(-beta[u])) # Back-transformed group-specific survival } mean.beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Prior for logit of mean survival mean.phi <- 1 / (1+exp(-mean.beta)) # Back-transformed mean survival sigma ~ dunif(0, 10) # Prior for sd of logit of survival variability tau <- pow(sigma, -2) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # 7.5.3. Individual random effects # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 20 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals mean.phi <- 0.65 p <- rep(0.4, n.occasions-1) v.ind <- 0.5 # Draw annual survival probabilities logit.phi <- rnorm(sum(marked), qlogis(mean.phi), v.ind^0.5) phi <- plogis(logit.phi) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI <- matrix(phi, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = FALSE) P <- matrix(p, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Simulate capture-histories CH <- simul.cjs(PHI, P, marked) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-ind-raneff.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mu + epsilon[i] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (i in 1:nind){ epsilon[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau) } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mu <- log(mean.phi / (1-mean.phi)) # Logit transformation sigma ~ dunif(0, 5) # Prior for standard deviation tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 2))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.p", "sigma2") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 6 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 73 min) cjs.ind <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-ind-raneff.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.ind, digits = 3) # Produce graph par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1) hist(cjs.ind$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi, nclass = 25, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(bar(phi)), ylab = "Frequency") abline(v = mean.phi, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(cjs.ind$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2, nclass = 15, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(sigma^2), ylab = "Frequency", xlim = c(0, 3)) abline(v = v.ind, col = "red", lwd = 2) # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mu + beta*x[i] + epsilon[i] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (i in 1:nind){ epsilon[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau) } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mu <- log(mean.phi / (1-mean.phi)) # Logit transformation beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Prior for covariate slope sigma ~ dunif(0, 5) # Prior for standard deviation tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # 7.6. Models with time and group effects # 7.6.1. Fixed group and time effects # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 12 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(50, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals phi.f <- c(0.6, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7) p.f <- rep(0.6, n.occasions-1) diff <- 0.5 # Difference between male and female survival on logit scale phi.m <- plogis(qlogis(phi.f) + diff) p.m <- rep(0.3, n.occasions-1) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI.F <- matrix(rep(phi.f, sum(marked)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) P.F <- matrix(rep(p.f, sum(marked)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) PHI.M <- matrix(rep(phi.m, sum(marked)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) P.M <- matrix(rep(p.m, sum(marked)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) # Simulate capture-histories CH.F <- simul.cjs(PHI.F, P.F, marked) CH.M <- simul.cjs(PHI.M, P.M, marked) # Merge capture-histories CH <- rbind(CH.F, CH.M) # Create group variable group <- c(rep(1, dim(CH.F)[1]), rep(2, dim(CH.M)[1])) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-add.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- beta[group[i]] + gamma[t] p[i,t] <- p.g[group[i]] } #t } #i # for survival parameters for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ gamma[t] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)I(-10, 10) # Priors for time effects phi.g1[t] <- 1 / (1+exp(-gamma[t])) # Back-transformed survival of males phi.g2[t] <- 1 / (1+exp(-gamma[t]-beta[2])) # Back-transformed survival of females } beta[1] <- 0 # Corner constraint beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)I(-10, 10) # Prior for difference in male and female survival # for recapture parameters for (u in 1:g){ p.g[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for group-spec. recapture } # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), g = length(unique(group)), group = group) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), gamma = rnorm(n.occasions-1), beta = c(NA, rnorm(1)), p.g = runif(length(unique(group)), 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phi.g1", "phi.g2", "p.g", "beta") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 7 min) cjs.add <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-add.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.add, digits = 3) # Figure of male and female survival lower.f <- upper.f <- lower.m <- upper.m <- numeric() for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ lower.f[t] <- quantile(cjs.add$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.g1[,t], 0.025) upper.f[t] <- quantile(cjs.add$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.g1[,t], 0.975) lower.m[t] <- quantile(cjs.add$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.g2[,t], 0.025) upper.m[t] <- quantile(cjs.add$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.g2[,t], 0.975) } plot(x=(1:(n.occasions-1))-0.1, y = cjs.add$BUGSoutput$mean$phi.g1, type = "b", pch = 16, ylim = c(0.2, 1), ylab = "Survival probability", xlab = "Year", bty = "n", cex = 1.5, axes = FALSE) axis(1, at = 1:11, labels = rep(NA,11), tcl = -0.25) axis(1, at = seq(2,10,2), labels = c("2","4","6","8","10")) axis(2, at = seq(0.2, 1, 0.1), labels = c("0.2", NA, "0.4", NA, "0.6", NA, "0.8", NA, "1.0"), las = 1) segments((1:(n.occasions-1))-0.1, lower.f, (1:(n.occasions-1))-0.1, upper.f) points(x = (1:(n.occasions-1))+0.1, y = cjs.add$BUGSoutput$mean$phi.g2, type = "b", pch = 1, lty = 2, cex = 1.5) segments((1:(n.occasions-1))+0.1, lower.m, (1:(n.occasions-1))+0.1, upper.m) # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- eta.phi[group[i],t] p[i,t] <- p.g[group[i]] } #t } #i # for survival parameters for (u in 1:g){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ eta.phi[u,t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for time and group-spec. survival } #t } #g # for recapture parameters for (u in 1:g){ p.g[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for group-spec. recapture } # 7.6.2. Fixed group and random time effects # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- eta.phi[group[i],t] p[i,t] <- p.g[group[i]] } #t } #i # for survival parameters for (u in 1:g){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ eta.phi[u,t] <- mu.phi[u] + epsilon[u,t] epsilon[u,t] ~ dnorm(0, tau[u]) } #t mean.phi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors on mean group-spec. survival mu.phi[u] <- log(mean.phi[u] / (1-mean.phi[u])) sigma[u] ~ dunif(0, 10) # Priors for group-spec. sd tau[u] <- pow(sigma[u], -2) sigma2[u] <- pow(sigma[u], 2) } #g # for recapture parameters for (u in 1:g){ p.g[u] ~ dunif(0,1) # Priors for group-spec. recapture } # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-temp-corr.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- eta.phi[t,group[i]] p[i,t] <- p.g[group[i]] } #t } #i # for survival parameters for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ eta.phi[t,1:g] ~ dmnorm(mu.phi[], Omega[,]) } #t for (u in 1:g){ mean.phi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors on mean group-spec. survival mu.phi[u] <- log(mean.phi[u] / (1-mean.phi[u])) } #g Omega[1:g, 1:g] ~ dwish(R[,], df) # Priors for variance-covariance matrix Sigma[1:g, 1:g] <- inverse(Omega[,]) # for recapture parameters for (u in 1:g){ p.g[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for group-spec. recapture } # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), g = length(unique(group)), group = group, R = matrix(c(5, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 2), df = 3) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), p.g = runif(length(unique(group)), 0, 1), Omega = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 2))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("eta.phi", "p.g", "Sigma", "mean.phi") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 5 min) cjs.corr <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-temp-corr.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(cjs.corr, digits = 3) # 7.7. Models with age effects # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 10 # Number of capture occasions marked.j <- rep(200, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked juveniles marked.a <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked adults phi.juv <- 0.3 # Juvenile annual survival phi.ad <- 0.65 # Adult annual survival p <- rep(0.5, n.occasions-1) # Recapture phi.j <- c(phi.juv, rep(phi.ad, n.occasions-2)) phi.a <- rep(phi.ad, n.occasions-1) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI.J <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.j)) for (i in 1:length(marked.j)){ PHI.J[(sum(marked.j[1:i])-marked.j[i]+1):sum(marked.j[1:i]),i:(n.occasions-1)] <- matrix(rep(phi.j[1:(n.occasions-i)],marked.j[i]), ncol = n.occasions-i, byrow = TRUE) } P.J <- matrix(rep(p, sum(marked.j)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.j), byrow = TRUE) PHI.A <- matrix(rep(phi.a, sum(marked.a)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.a), byrow = TRUE) P.A <- matrix(rep(p, sum(marked.a)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.a), byrow = TRUE) # Apply simulation function CH.J <- simul.cjs(PHI.J, P.J, marked.j) CH.A <- simul.cjs(PHI.A, P.A, marked.a) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f.j <- apply(CH.J, 1, get.first) f.a <- apply(CH.A, 1, get.first) # Create matrices X indicating age classes x.j <- matrix(NA, ncol = dim(CH.J)[2]-1, nrow = dim(CH.J)[1]) x.a <- matrix(NA, ncol = dim(CH.A)[2]-1, nrow = dim(CH.A)[1]) for (i in 1:dim(CH.J)[1]){ for (t in f.j[i]:(dim(CH.J)[2]-1)){ x.j[i,t] <- 2 x.j[i,f.j[i]] <- 1 } #t } #i for (i in 1:dim(CH.A)[1]){ for (t in f.a[i]:(dim(CH.A)[2]-1)){ x.a[i,t] <- 2 } #t } #i CH <- rbind(CH.J, CH.A) f <- c(f.j, f.a) x <- rbind(x.j, x.a) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-age.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- beta[x[i,t]] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i for (u in 1:2){ beta[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for age-specific survival } mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), x = x) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), beta = runif(2, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("beta", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) cjs.age <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-age.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(cjs.age, digits = 3) # Create matrix X indicating age classes x <- matrix(NA, ncol = dim(CH)[2]-1, nrow = dim(CH)[1]) for (i in 1:dim(CH)[1]){ for (t in f[i]:(dim(CH)[2]-1)){ x[i,t] <- t-f[i]+1 } #t } #i # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mu + beta*x[i,t] p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Prior for mean of logit survival beta ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Prior for slope parameter for (i in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi.age[i] <- 1 / (1+exp(-mu -beta*i)) # Logit back-transformation } mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # 7.8. Immediate trap response in recapture probability # Import data CH <- as.matrix(read.table(file = "trap.txt", sep = " ")) # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Create matrix m indicating when an individual was captured m <- CH[,1:(dim(CH)[2]-1)] u <- which(m==0) m[u] <- 2 # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-trap.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- mean.phi p[i,t] <- beta[m[i,t]] } #t } #i mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival for (u in 1:2){ beta[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for recapture } # Likelihood components for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH), m = m) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), beta = runif(2, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "beta") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 3 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) cjs.trap <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-trap.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(cjs.trap, digits = 3) # 7.9. Parameter identifiability # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 12 # Number of capture occasions marked <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked individuals phi <- c(0.6, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7) p <- c(0.4, 0.65, 0.4, 0.45, 0.55, 0.68, 0.66, 0.28, 0.55, 0.45, 0.35) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI <- matrix(phi, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) P <- matrix(p, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked), byrow = TRUE) # Simulate capture-histories CH <- simul.cjs(PHI, P, marked) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-t-t.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- phi.t[t] p[i,t] <- p.t[t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi.t[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for time-spec. survival p.t[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for time-spec. recapture } # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- p[i,t-1] * z[i,t] } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH, f = f, nind = dim(CH)[1], n.occasions = dim(CH)[2], z = known.state.cjs(CH)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = cjs.init.z(CH, f), phi.t = runif((dim(CH)[2]-1), 0, 1), p.t = runif((dim(CH)[2]-1), 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phi.t", "p.t") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 nt <- 3 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 7 min) cjs.t.t <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-t-t.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Plot posterior distributions of some phi and p par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex = 1.2, las = 1, mar=c(5, 4, 2, 1)) plot(density(cjs.t.t$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.t[,6]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 5), main = "", xlab = expression(phi[6]), ylab = "Density", frame = FALSE, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2) par(mar=c(5, 3, 2, 2)) plot(density(cjs.t.t$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi.t[,11]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 5), main = "", xlab = expression(phi[11]), ylab ="", frame = FALSE, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2) par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 1)) plot(density(cjs.t.t$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p.t[,6]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 5), main = "", xlab = expression(p[6]), ylab = "Density", frame = FALSE, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2) par(mar=c(5, 3, 2, 2)) plot(density(cjs.t.t$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p.t[,11]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 5), main = "", xlab = expression(p[11]), ylab ="", frame = FALSE, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2) # 7.10. Fitting the CJS to data in the m-array format: the multinomial likelihood # 7.10.1. Introduction # Function to create a m-array based on capture-histories (CH) marray <- function(CH){ nind <- dim(CH)[1] n.occasions <- dim(CH)[2] m.array <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = n.occasions+1, nrow = n.occasions) # Calculate the number of released individuals at each time period for (t in 1:n.occasions){ m.array[t,1] <- sum(CH[,t]) } for (i in 1:nind){ pos <- which(CH[i,]!=0) g <- length(pos) for (z in 1:(g-1)){ m.array[pos[z],pos[z+1]] <- m.array[pos[z],pos[z+1]] + 1 } #z } #i # Calculate the number of individuals that is never recaptured for (t in 1:n.occasions){ m.array[t,n.occasions+1] <- m.array[t,1] - sum(m.array[t,2:n.occasions]) } out <- m.array[1:(n.occasions-1),2:(n.occasions+1)] return(out) } # 7.10.2. Time-dependent models # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-mnl.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for survival p[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for recapture } # Define the multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ marr[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr[t, ], rel[t]) } # Define the cell probabilities of the m-array # Main diagonal for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ q[t] <- 1-p[t] # Probability of non-recapture pr[t,t] <- phi[t]*p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(n.occasions-1)){ pr[t,j] <- prod(phi[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j] <- 0 } #j } #t # Last column: probability of non-recapture for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ pr[t,n.occasions] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:(n.occasions-1)]) } #t # Assess model fit using Freeman-Tukey statistic # Compute fit statistics for observed data for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ for (j in 1:n.occasions){ expmarr[t,j] <- rel[t]*pr[t,j] E.org[t,j] <- pow((pow(marr[t,j], 0.5)-pow(expmarr[t,j], 0.5)), 2) } #j } #t # Generate replicate data and compute fit stats from them for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ marr.new[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr[t, ], rel[t]) for (j in 1:n.occasions){ E.new[t,j] <- pow((pow(marr.new[t,j], 0.5)-pow(expmarr[t,j], 0.5)), 2) } #j } #t fit <- sum(E.org[,]) fit.new <- sum(E.new[,]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Create the m-array from the capture-histories marr <- marray(CH) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr = marr, n.occasions = dim(marr)[2], rel = rowSums(marr)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(phi = runif(dim(marr)[2]-1, 0, 1), p = runif(dim(marr)[2]-1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phi", "p", "fit", "fit.new") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 3 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) cjs <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-mnl.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(cjs, digits = 3) # Evaluation of fit plot(cjs$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit, cjs$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new, xlab = "Discrepancy actual data", ylab = "Discrepancy replicate data", las = 1, ylim = c(5, 25), xlim = c(5, 25), bty ="n") abline(0, 1, col = "black", lwd = 2) mean(cjs$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new > cjs$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit) # 7.10.3. Age-dependent models # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 12 # Number of capture occasions marked.j <- rep(200, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked juveniles marked.a <- rep(30, n.occasions-1) # Annual number of newly marked adults phi.juv <- 0.3 # Juvenile annual survival phi.ad <- 0.65 # Adult annual survival p <- rep(0.5, n.occasions-1) # Recapture phi.j <- c(phi.juv, rep(phi.ad,n.occasions-2)) phi.a <- rep(phi.ad, n.occasions-1) # Define matrices with survival and recapture probabilities PHI.J <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.j)) for (i in 1:(length(marked.j)-1)){ PHI.J[(sum(marked.j[1:i])-marked.j[i]+1):sum(marked.j[1:i]),i:(n.occasions-1)] <- matrix(rep(phi.j[1:(n.occasions-i)],marked.j[i]), ncol = n.occasions-i, byrow = TRUE) } P.J <- matrix(rep(p, n.occasions*sum(marked.j)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.j), byrow = TRUE) PHI.A <- matrix(rep(phi.a, sum(marked.a)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.a), byrow = TRUE) P.A <- matrix(rep(p, sum(marked.a)), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = sum(marked.a), byrow = TRUE) # Apply simulation function CH.J <- simul.cjs(PHI.J, P.J, marked.j) CH.A <- simul.cjs(PHI.A, P.A, marked.a) cap <- apply(CH.J, 1, sum) ind <- which(cap >= 2) CH.J.R <- CH.J[ind,] # Juvenile CH recaptured at least once CH.J.N <- CH.J[-ind,] # Juvenile CH never recaptured # Remove first capture first <- numeric() for (i in 1:dim(CH.J.R)[1]){ first[i] <- min(which(CH.J.R[i,]==1)) } CH.J.R1 <- CH.J.R for (i in 1:dim(CH.J.R)[1]){ CH.J.R1[i,first[i]] <- 0 } # Add grown-up juveniles to adults and create m-array CH.A.m <- rbind(CH.A, CH.J.R1) CH.A.marray <- marray(CH.A.m) # Create CH matrix for juveniles, ignoring subsequent recaptures second <- numeric() for (i in 1:dim(CH.J.R1)[1]){ second[i] <- min(which(CH.J.R1[i,]==1)) } CH.J.R2 <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(CH.J.R)[1], ncol = dim(CH.J.R)[2]) for (i in 1:dim(CH.J.R)[1]){ CH.J.R2[i,first[i]] <- 1 CH.J.R2[i,second[i]] <- 1 } # Create m-array for these CH.J.R.marray <- marray(CH.J.R2) # The last column ought to show the number of juveniles not recaptured again and should all be zeros, since all of them are released as adults CH.J.R.marray[,dim(CH.J)[2]] <- 0 # Create the m-array for juveniles never recaptured and add it to the previous m-array CH.J.N.marray <- marray(CH.J.N) CH.J.marray <- CH.J.R.marray + CH.J.N.marray # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-mnl-age.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi.juv[t] <- mean.phijuv phi.ad[t] <- mean.phiad p[t] <- mean.p } mean.phijuv ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean juv. survival mean.phiad ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean ad. survival mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Define the multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ marr.j[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr.j[t,], rel.j[t]) marr.a[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr.a[t,], rel.a[t]) } # Define the cell probabilities of the m-arrays # Main diagonal for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ q[t] <- 1-p[t] # Probability of non-recapture pr.j[t,t] <- phi.juv[t]*p[t] pr.a[t,t] <- phi.ad[t]*p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(n.occasions-1)){ pr.j[t,j] <- phi.juv[t]*prod(phi.ad[(t+1):j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] pr.a[t,j] <- prod(phi.ad[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr.j[t,j] <- 0 pr.a[t,j] <- 0 } #j } #t # Last column: probability of non-recapture for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ pr.j[t,n.occasions] <- 1-sum(pr.j[t,1:(n.occasions-1)]) pr.a[t,n.occasions] <- 1-sum(pr.a[t,1:(n.occasions-1)]) } #t } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr.j = CH.J.marray, marr.a = CH.A.marray, n.occasions = dim(CH.J.marray)[2], rel.j = rowSums(CH.J.marray), rel.a = rowSums(CH.A.marray)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phijuv = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phiad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phijuv", "mean.phiad", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 3000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) cjs.2 <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-mnl-age.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) par(mfrow = c(1, 3), las = 1) hist(cjs.2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phijuv, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Juvenile survival", ylab = "Frequency") abline(v = phi.juv, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(cjs.2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phiad, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Adult survival", ylab = "") abline(v = phi.ad, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(cjs.2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.p, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Recapture", ylab = "") abline(v = p[1], col = "red", lwd = 2) # 7.11. Analysis of a real data set: survival of female Leisler’s bats m.leisleri <- matrix(c(4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3, 0,5,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3, 0,0,9,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3, 0,0,0,10,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5, 0,0,0,0,10,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6, 0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6, 0,0,0,0,0,0,11,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,19, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,13,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,13,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,8, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,3,1,0,0,0,0,12, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,4,0,1,0,0,7, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,19,2,0,0,0,3, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,28,1,0,0,4, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,22,7,2,21, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,2,21, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,18), ncol = 19, nrow = 18, byrow = TRUE) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("cjs-mnl-ran.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[t]) <- mu + epsilon[t] epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau) p[t] <- mean.p } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mu <- log(mean.phi / (1-mean.phi)) # Logit transformation sigma ~ dunif(0, 5) # Prior for standard deviation tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) # Temporal variance on real scale sigma2.real <- sigma2 * pow(mean.phi, 2) * pow((1-mean.phi), 2) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Define the multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ marr[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], rel[t]) } # Define the cell probabilities of the m-array: # Main diagonal for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ q[t] <- 1-p[t] pr[t,t] <- phi[t]*p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(n.occasions-1)){ pr[t,j] <- prod(phi[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j]<-0 } #j } #t # Last column: probability of non-recapture for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ pr[t,n.occasions] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:(n.occasions-1)]) } # t # Assess model fit using Freeman-Tukey statistic # Compute fit statistics for observed data for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ for (j in 1:n.occasions){ expmarr[t,j] <- rel[t]*pr[t,j] E.org[t,j] <- pow((pow(marr[t,j], 0.5)-pow(expmarr[t,j], 0.5)), 2) } } # Generate replicate data and compute fit stats from them for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ marr.new[t,1:n.occasions] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], rel[t]) for (j in 1:n.occasions){ E.new[t,j] <- pow((pow(marr.new[t,j], 0.5)-pow(expmarr[t,j], 0.5)), 2) } } fit <- sum(E.org[,]) fit.new <- sum(E.new[,]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr = m.leisleri, n.occasions = dim(m.leisleri)[2], rel = rowSums(m.leisleri)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 5), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phi", "mean.p", "mean.phi", "sigma2", "sigma2.real", "fit", "fit.new") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) leis.result <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "cjs-mnl-ran.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(leis.result, digits = 3) # Produce figure of female survival probabilities par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) lower <- upper <- numeric() T <- dim(m.leisleri)[2]-1 for (t in 1:T){ lower[t] <- quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi[,t], 0.025) upper[t] <- quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi[,t], 0.975) } plot(y = leis.result$BUGSoutput$mean$phi, x = (1:T)+0.5, type = "b", pch = 16, ylim = c(0.3, 1), ylab = "Annual survival probability", xlab = "", axes = F) axis(1, at = seq(1,(T+1),2), labels = seq(1990,2008,2)) axis(1, at = 1:(T+1), labels = rep("", T+1), tcl = -0.25) axis(2, las = 1) mtext("Year", 1, line = 2.25) text(18, 0.975, "(a)") segments((1:T)+0.5, lower, (1:T)+0.5, upper) segments(1, leis.result$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.phi, T+1, leis.result$BUGSoutput$mean$mean.phi, lty = 2, col = "red", lwd = 2) segments(1, quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi,0.025), T+1, quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi, 0.975), T+1, quantile(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi, 0.975), lty = 2, col = "red") hist(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2.real, nclass = 45, col = "gray", main = "", las = 1, xlab = "") mtext("Temporal variance of survival", 1, line = 2.25) text(0.18, 900, "(b)") # Evaluation of fit plot(leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit, leis.result$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new, main = "", xlab = "Discrepancy actual data", ylab = "Discrepancy replicate data", las = 1, ylim = c(10, 35), xlim = c(10, 35), frame = FALSE) abline(0, 1, col = "black") ################################################################## # # 8. Estimation of survival probabilities using mark-recovery data # ################################################################# # 8.2. The mark-recovery model as a state-space model # 8.2.1. Simulation of mark-recovery data # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 14 # Number of release occasions marked <- rep(50, n.occasions) # Annual number of newly marked individuals s <- rep(0.8, n.occasions) r <- rep(0.2, n.occasions) # Define matrices with survival and recovery probabilities S <- matrix(s, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked)) R <- matrix(r, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked)) # Define function to simulate mark-recovery data simul.mr <- function(S, R, marked){ n.occasions <- dim(S)[2] MR <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.occasions+1, nrow = sum(marked)) # Define a vector with the occasion of marking mark.occ <- rep(1:n.occasions, marked) # Fill the CH matrix for (i in 1:sum(marked)){ MR[i, mark.occ[i]] <- 1 # Write an 1 at the release occasion for (t in mark.occ[i]:n.occasions){ # Bernoulli trial: has individual survived occasion? sur <- rbinom(1, 1, S[i,t]) if (sur==1) next # If still alive, move to next occasion # Bernoulli trial: has dead individual been recovered? rp <- rbinom(1, 1, R[i,t]) if (rp==0){ MR[i,t+1] <- 0 break } if (rp==1){ MR[i,t+1] <- 1 break } } #t } #i # Replace the NA in the file by 0 MR[which(is.na(MR))] <- 0 return(MR) } # Execute function MR <- simul.mr(S, R, marked) # 8.2.2. Analysis of a model with constant parameters # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(MR, 1, get.first) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("mr.ss.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:nind){ for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ s[i,t] <- mean.s r[i,t] <- mean.r } #t } #i mean.s ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.r ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- 1 for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t]) mu1[i,t] <- s[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] # Observation process y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) mu2[i,t] <- r[i,t-1] * (z[i,t-1] - z[i,t]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Define function to create a matrix with information about known latent state z known.state.mr <- function(mr){ state <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(mr)[1], ncol = dim(mr)[2]) rec <- which(rowSums(mr)==2) for (i in 1:length(rec)){ n1 <- min(which(mr[rec[i],]==1)) n2 <- max(which(mr[rec[i],]==1)) state[rec[i],n1:n2] <- 1 state[rec[i],n1] <- NA state[rec[i],n2:dim(mr)[2]] <- 0 } return(state) } # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = MR, f = f, nind = dim(MR)[1], n.occasions = dim(MR)[2], z = known.state.mr(MR)) # Define function to create a matrix of initial values for latent state z mr.init.z <- function(mr){ ch <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(mr)[1], ncol = dim(mr)[2]) rec <- which(rowSums(mr)==1) for (i in 1:length(rec)){ n1 <- which(mr[rec[i],]==1) ch[rec[i],n1:dim(mr)[2]] <- 0 ch[rec[i],n1] <- NA } return(ch) } # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = mr.init.z(MR), mean.s = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.r = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.s", "mean.r") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 6 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 4 min) mr.ss <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "mr.ss.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(mr.ss, digits = 3) # 8.3. The mark-recovery model fitted with the multinomial likelihood # 8.3.1. Constant parameters # Define function to create an m-array based for mark-recovery (MR) data marray.dead <- function(MR){ nind <- dim(MR)[1] n.occasions <- dim(MR)[2] m.array <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = n.occasions+1, nrow = n.occasions) # Create vector with occasion of marking get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(MR, 1, get.first) # Calculate the number of released individuals at each time period first <- as.numeric(table(f)) for (t in 1:n.occasions){ m.array[t,1] <- first[t] } # Fill m-array with recovered individuals rec.ind <- which(apply(MR, 1, sum)==2) rec <- numeric() for (i in 1:length(rec.ind)){ d <- which(MR[rec.ind[i],(f[rec.ind[i]]+1):n.occasions]==1) rec[i] <- d + f[rec.ind[i]] m.array[f[rec.ind[i]],rec[i]] <- m.array[f[rec.ind[i]],rec[i]] + 1 } # Calculate the number of individuals that are never recovered for (t in 1:n.occasions){ m.array[t,n.occasions+1] <- m.array[t,1]-sum(m.array[t,2:n.occasions]) } out <- m.array[1:(n.occasions-1),2:(n.occasions+1)] return(out) } marr <- marray.dead(MR) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("mr-mnl.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:n.occasions){ s[t] <- mean.s r[t] <- mean.r } mean.s ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.r ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recovery # Define the multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:n.occasions){ marr[t,1:(n.occasions+1)] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], rel[t]) } # Define the cell probabilities of the m-array # Main diagonal for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr[t,t] <- (1-s[t])*r[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):n.occasions){ pr[t,j] <- prod(s[t:(j-1)])*(1-s[j])*r[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j] <- 0 } #j } #t # Last column: probability of non-recovery for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr[t,n.occasions+1] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:n.occasions]) } #t } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr = marr, n.occasions = dim(marr)[2]-1, rel = rowSums(marr)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.s = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.r = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.s", "mean.r") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 6 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) mr <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "mr-mnl.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(mr, digits = 3) par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1) hist(mr$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.s, nclass = 25, col = "gray", main = "", ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Survival probability") abline(v = 0.8, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(mr$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.r, nclass = 25, col = "gray", main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Recovery probability") abline(v = 0.2, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 8.3.2. Age-dependent parameters n.occasions <- 15 # Number of occasions marked.j <- rep(200, n.occasions) # Annual number of newly marked young marked.a <- rep(20, n.occasions) # Annual number of newly marked adults sjuv <- 0.3 # Juvenile survival probability sad <- 0.8 # Adult survival probability rjuv <- 0.25 # Juvenile recovery probability rad <- 0.15 # Adult recovery probability sj <- c(sjuv, rep(sad, n.occasions-1)) rj <- c(rjuv, rep(rad, n.occasions-1)) # Define matrices with survival and recovery probabilities SJ <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked.j)) for (i in 1:length(marked.j)){ SJ[(sum(marked.j[1:i])-marked.j[i]+1):sum(marked.j[1:i]),i:n.occasions] <- matrix(rep(sj[1:(n.occasions-i+1)],marked.j[i]), ncol = n.occasions-i+1, byrow = TRUE) } SA <- matrix(sad, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked.a)) RJ <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked.j)) for (i in 1:length(marked.j)){ RJ[(sum(marked.j[1:i])-marked.j[i]+1):sum(marked.j[1:i]),i:n.occasions] <- matrix(rep(rj[1:(n.occasions-i+1)],marked.j[i]), ncol = n.occasions-i+1, byrow = TRUE) } RA <- matrix(rad, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked.a)) # Execute simulation function MRj <- simul.mr(SJ, RJ, marked.j) MRa <- simul.mr(SA, RA, marked.a) # Summarize data in m-arrays marr.j <- marray.dead(MRj) marr.a <- marray.dead(MRa) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("mr-mnl-age.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:n.occasions){ sj[t] <- mean.sj sa[t] <- mean.sa rj[t] <- mean.rj ra[t] <- mean.ra } mean.sj ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean juv. survival mean.sa ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean ad. survival mean.rj ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean juv. recovery mean.ra ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean ad. recovery # Define the multinomial likelihoods # Calculate the number of birds released each year for (t in 1:n.occasions){ marr.j[t,1:(n.occasions+1)] ~ dmulti(pr.j[t,], rel.j[t]) marr.a[t,1:(n.occasions+1)] ~ dmulti(pr.a[t,], rel.a[t]) } # Define the cell probabilities of the juvenile m-array # Main diagonal for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr.j[t,t] <- (1-sj[t])*rj[t] # Further above main diagonal for (j in (t+2):n.occasions){ pr.j[t,j] <- sj[t]*prod(sa[(t+1):(j-1)])*(1-sa[j])*ra[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr.j[t,j] <- 0 } #j } #t for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ # One above main diagonal pr.j[t,t+1] <- sj[t]*(1-sa[t+1])*ra[t+1] } #t # Last column: probability of non-recovery for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr.j[t,n.occasions+1] <- 1-sum(pr.j[t,1:n.occasions]) } #t # Define the cell probabilities of the adult m-array # Main diagonal for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr.a[t,t] <- (1-sa[t])*ra[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):n.occasions){ pr.a[t,j] <- prod(sa[t:(j-1)])*(1-sa[j])*ra[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr.a[t,j] <- 0 } #j } #t # Last column: probability of non-recovery for (t in 1:n.occasions){ pr.a[t,n.occasions+1] <- 1-sum(pr.a[t,1:n.occasions]) } #t } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr.j = marr.j, marr.a = marr.a, n.occasions = dim(marr.j)[2]-1, rel.j = rowSums(marr.j), rel.a = rowSums(marr.a)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.sj = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.sa = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.rj = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.ra = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.sj", "mean.rj", "mean.sa", "mean.ra") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 6 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) mr.age <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "mr-mnl-age.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(mr.age, digits = 3) # 8.4. Real data example: age-dependent survival in Swiss red kites marray.juv <- c(42, 18, 5, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1388) marray.ad <- c(3, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 137) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("mr-mnl-age3.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints #sjuv ~ dbeta(4.2, 2.8) # Informative prior for juv. survival: Analysis A sjuv ~ dunif(0, 1) # Non-informative for juv. survival prior: Analysis B ssub ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for subad. survival sad ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for ad. survival rjuv ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for juv. recovery rad ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for ad. recovery # Define the multinomial likelihoods marr.j[1:(n.age+1)] ~ dmulti(pr.j[], rel.j) marr.a[1:(n.age+1)] ~ dmulti(pr.a[], rel.a) # Define the cell probabilities of the juvenile m-array # First element pr.j[1] <- (1-sjuv)*rjuv # Second element pr.j[2] <- sjuv*(1-ssub)*rad # Third and further elements for (t in 3:n.age){ pr.j[t] <- sjuv*ssub*pow(sad,(t-3))*(1-sad)*rad } # Probability of non-recovery pr.j[n.age+1] <- 1-sum(pr.j[1:n.age]) # Define the cell probabilities of the adult m-array # All elements for (t in 1:n.age){ pr.a[t] <- pow(sad,(t-1))*(1-sad)*rad } # Probability of non-recovery pr.a[n.age+1] <- 1-sum(pr.a[1:n.age]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(marr.j = marray.juv, marr.a = marray.ad, n.age = length(marray.juv)-1, rel.j = sum(marray.juv), rel.a = sum(marray.ad)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(sjuv = runif(1, 0, 1), ssub = runif(1, 0, 1), sad = runif(1, 0, 1), rjuv = runif(1, 0, 1), rad = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("sjuv", "ssub", "sad", "rjuv", "rad") # MCMC settings ni <- 30000 nt <- 10 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) rk.ageA <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "mr-mnl-age3.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) rk.ageB <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "mr-mnl-age3.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(rk.ageA, digits = 3) print(rk.ageB, digits = 3) par(mfrow = c(2, 3), las = 1) hist(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sjuv, breaks = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Juvenile survival") hist(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ssub, breaks = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Subadult survival") hist(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sad, breaks = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Adult survival") hist(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$rjuv, breaks = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Juvenile recovery", xlim = c(0, 0.2)) hist(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$rad, breaks = 20, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Adult recovery") plot(density(rk.ageA$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sjuv), ylim = c(0, 5), lwd = 2, main = "", xlab = "Juvenile survival", las = 1) points(density(rk.ageB$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sjuv), col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 2) text(x = 0.5, y = 4.8, "Prior distributions", pos = 4, font = 3) legend(x = 0.6, y = 4.7, legend = c("U(0,1)", "beta(4.2,2.8)"), lwd = c(2, 2), col = c("black", "red"), bty = "n") quantile(rk.ageA$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ssub-rk.ageA$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sjuv, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)) quantile(rk.ageA$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sad-rk.ageA$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ssub, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)) ############################################################# # # 9. Multistate capture-recapture models # ############################################################## # 9.2. Estimation of movement between two sites # 9.2.1. Model description # 9.2.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phiA <- 0.8 phiB <- 0.7 psiAB <- 0.3 psiBA <- 0.5 pA <- 0.7 pB <- 0.4 n.occasions <- 6 n.states <- 3 n.obs <- 3 marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(100, n.occasions) marked[,2] <- rep(60, n.occasions) marked[,3] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( phiA*(1-psiAB), phiA*psiAB, 1-phiA, phiB*psiBA, phiB*(1-psiBA), 1-phiB, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( pA, 0, 1-pA, 0, pB, 1-pB, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Define function to simulate multistate capture-recapture data simul.ms <- function(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked, unobservable = NA){ # Unobservable: number of state that is unobservable n.occasions <- dim(PSI.STATE)[4] + 1 CH <- CH.TRUE <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = sum(marked)) # Define a vector with the occasion of marking mark.occ <- matrix(0, ncol = dim(PSI.STATE)[1], nrow = sum(marked)) g <- colSums(marked) for (s in 1:dim(PSI.STATE)[1]){ if (g[s]==0) next # To avoid error message if nothing to replace mark.occ[(cumsum(g[1:s])-g[s]+1)[s]:cumsum(g[1:s])[s],s] <- rep(1:n.occasions, marked[1:n.occasions,s]) } #s for (i in 1:sum(marked)){ for (s in 1:dim(PSI.STATE)[1]){ if (mark.occ[i,s]==0) next first <- mark.occ[i,s] CH[i,first] <- s CH.TRUE[i,first] <- s } #s for (t in (first+1):n.occasions){ # Multinomial trials for state transitions if (first==n.occasions) next state <- which(rmultinom(1, 1, PSI.STATE[CH.TRUE[i,t-1],,i,t-1])==1) CH.TRUE[i,t] <- state # Multinomial trials for observation process event <- which(rmultinom(1, 1, PSI.OBS[CH.TRUE[i,t],,i,t-1])==1) CH[i,t] <- event } #t } #i # Replace the NA and the highest state number (dead) in the file by 0 CH[is.na(CH)] <- 0 CH[CH==dim(PSI.STATE)[1]] <- 0 CH[CH==unobservable] <- 0 id <- numeric(0) for (i in 1:dim(CH)[1]){ z <- min(which(CH[i,]!=0)) ifelse(z==dim(CH)[2], id <- c(id,i), id <- c(id)) } return(list(CH=CH[-id,], CH.TRUE=CH.TRUE[-id,])) # CH: capture histories to be used # CH.TRUE: capture histories with perfect observation } # Execute function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed in WinBUGS! # 1 = seen alive in A, 2 = seen alive in B, 3 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 3 # 9.2.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ms.jags") cat(" model { # ------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phiA: survival probability at site A # phiB: survival probability at site B # psiAB: movement probability from site A to site B # psiBA: movement probability from site B to site A # pA: recapture probability at site A # pB: recapture probability at site B # ------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive at A # 2 alive at B # 3 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen at A # 2 seen at B # 3 not seen # ------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phiA[t] <- mean.phi[1] phiB[t] <- mean.phi[2] psiAB[t] <- mean.psi[1] psiBA[t] <- mean.psi[2] pA[t] <- mean.p[1] pB[t] <- mean.p[2] } for (u in 1:2){ mean.phi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean state-spec. survival mean.psi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean transitions mean.p[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean state-spec. recapture } # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- phiA[t] * (1-psiAB[t]) ps[1,i,t,2] <- phiA[t] * psiAB[t] ps[1,i,t,3] <- 1-phiA[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- phiB[t] * psiBA[t] ps[2,i,t,2] <- phiB[t] * (1-psiBA[t]) ps[2,i,t,3] <- 1-phiB[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- pA[t] po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 1-pA[t] po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- pB[t] po[2,i,t,3] <- 1-pB[t] po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 0 po[3,i,t,3] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Function to create known latent states z known.state.ms <- function(ms, notseen){ # notseen: label for ‘not seen’ state <- ms state[state==notseen] <- NA for (i in 1:dim(ms)[1]){ m <- min(which(!is.na(state[i,]))) state[i,m] <- NA } return(state) } # Function to create initial values for unknown z ms.init.z <- function(ch, f){ for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ch[i,1:f[i]] <- NA} states <- max(ch, na.rm = TRUE) known.states <- 1:(states-1) v <- which(ch==states) ch[-v] <- NA ch[v] <- sample(known.states, length(v), replace = TRUE) return(ch) } # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = known.state.ms(rCH, 3)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(2, 0, 1), mean.psi = runif(2, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(2, 0, 1), z = ms.init.z(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.psi", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 6 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 8 min) ms <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ms.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(ms, digits = 3) par(mfrow = c(3, 2), las = 1) hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi[,1], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi[A]), ylim=c(0,1300)) abline(v = phiA, col = "red") hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi[,2], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi[B]), ylim=c(0,1300), ylab="") abline(v = phiB, , col="red") hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.psi[,1], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(psi[AB]), ylim=c(0,1300)) abline(v = psiAB, col="red") hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.psi[,2], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(psi[BA]), ylab="", ylim=c(0,1300)) abline(v = psiBA, col="red") hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.p[,1], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(p[A]), ylim=c(0,1300)) abline(v = pA, col = "red") hist(ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.p[,2], col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(p[B]), ylab="", ylim=c(0,1300)) abline(v = pB, col = "red") # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ms.alternative1.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phiA[t] <- mean.phi[1] phiB[t] <- mean.phi[2] psiAB[t] <- mean.psi[1] psiBA[t] <- mean.psi[2] pA[t] <- mean.p[1] pB[t] <- mean.p[2] } for (u in 1:2){ mean.phi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean state-spec. survival mean.psi[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean transitions mean.p[u] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Priors for mean state-spec. recapture } # Define state-transition and observation matrices # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,t,1] <- phiA[t] * (1-psiAB[t]) ps[1,t,2] <- phiA[t] * psiAB[t] ps[1,t,3] <- 1-phiA[t] ps[2,t,1] <- phiB[t] * psiBA[t] ps[2,t,2] <- phiB[t] * (1-psiBA[t]) ps[2,t,3] <- 1-phiB[t] ps[3,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,t,1] <- pA[t] po[1,t,2] <- 0 po[1,t,3] <- 1-pA[t] po[2,t,1] <- 0 po[2,t,2] <- pB[t] po[2,t,3] <- 1-pB[t] po[3,t,1] <- 0 po[3,t,2] <- 0 po[3,t,3] <- 1 } #t # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ms.alternative2.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints phiA ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival in A phiB ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival in B psiAB ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean movement from A to B psiBA ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean movement from B to A pA ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture in A pB ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture in B # Define state-transition and observation matrices # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) ps[1,1] <- phiA * (1-psiAB) ps[1,2] <- phiA * psiAB ps[1,3] <- 1-phiA ps[2,1] <- phiB * psiBA ps[2,2] <- phiB * (1-psiBA) ps[2,3] <- 1-phiB ps[3,1] <- 0 ps[3,2] <- 0 ps[3,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,1] <- pA po[1,2] <- 0 po[1,3] <- 1-pA po[2,1] <- 0 po[2,2] <- pB po[2,3] <- 1-pB po[3,1] <- 0 po[3,2] <- 0 po[3,3] <- 1 # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1],]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t],]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # 9.3. Accounting for temporary emigration # 9.3.1. Model description # 9.3.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phi <- 0.85 psiIO <- 0.2 psiOI <- 0.3 p <- 0.7 n.occasions <- 8 n.states <- 3 n.obs <- 2 marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(70, n.occasions) # Present marked[,2] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Absent marked[,3] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Dead # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( phi*(1-psiIO), phi*psiIO, 1-phi, phi*psiOI, phi*(1-psiOI), 1-phi, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( p, 1-p, 0, 1, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed! # 1 = seen alive, 2 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 2 # 9.3.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("tempemi.jags") cat(" model { # --------------------------------- # Parameters: # phi: survival probability # psiIO: probability to emigrate # psiOI: probability to immigrate # p: recapture probability # --------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive and present # 2 alive and absent # 3 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen # 2 not seen # --------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[t] <- mean.phi psiIO[t] <- mean.psiIO psiOI[t] <- mean.psiOI p[t] <- mean.p } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.psiIO ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean temp. emigration mean.psiOI ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean temp. immigration mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- phi[t] * (1-psiIO[t]) ps[1,i,t,2] <- phi[t] * psiIO[t] ps[1,i,t,3] <- 1-phi[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- phi[t] * psiOI[t] ps[2,i,t,2] <- phi[t] * (1-psiOI[t]) ps[2,i,t,3] <- 1-phi[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- p[t] po[1,i,t,2] <- 1-p[t] po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- 1 po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = known.state.ms(rCH, 2)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.psiIO = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.psiOI = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), z = ms.init.z(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.psiIO", "mean.psiOI", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 10 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 35 min) tempemi <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "tempemi.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(tempemi, digits = 3) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), las = 1) hist(tempemi$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi)) abline(v = phi, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(tempemi$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.psiIO, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(psi[IO]), ylab = "") abline(v = psiIO, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(tempemi$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.psiOI, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(psi[OI])) abline(v = psiOI, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(tempemi$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.p, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(p), ylab = "") abline(v = p, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 9.4. Estimation of age-specific probability of first breeding # 9.4.1. Model description # 9.4.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phi.1 <- 0.4 phi.2 <- 0.7 phi.ad <- 0.8 alpha.1 <- 0.2 alpha.2 <- 0.6 p.NB <- 0.5 p.B <- 0.7 n.occasions <- 7 n.states <- 5 n.obs <- 4 marked <- matrix(0, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(100, n.occasions) # Releases only as juveniles # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 0, phi.1*(1-alpha.1), 0, phi.1*alpha.1, 1-phi.1, 0, 0, phi.2*(1-alpha.2), phi.2*alpha.2, 1-phi.2, 0, 0, 0, phi.ad, 1-phi.ad, 0, 0, 0, phi.ad, 1-phi.ad, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, p.NB, 0, 1-p.NB, 0, p.NB, 0, 1-p.NB, 0, 0, p.B, 1-p.B, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed! # 1 = seen as juv, 2 = seen no rep, 3 = seen rep, 4 = not seen rCH <- CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 4 # 9.4.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("agerecruitment.jags") cat(" model { # ------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phi.1: first year survival probability # phi.2: second year survival probability # phi.ad: adult survival probability # alpha.1: probability to start breeding when 1 year old # alpha.2: probability to start breeding when 2 years old # p.NB: recapture probability of non-breeders # p.B: recapture probability of breeders # ------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 juvenile # 2 not yet breeding at age 1 year # 3 not yet breeding at age 2 years # 4 breeder # 5 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen as juvenile # 2 seen as not yet breeding # 3 seen breeding # 4 not seen # ------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi.1[t] <- mean.phi1 phi.2[t] <- mean.phi2 phi.ad[t] <- mean.phiad alpha.1[t] <- mean.alpha1 alpha.2[t] <- mean.alpha2 p.NB[t] <- mean.pNB p.B[t] <- mean.pB } mean.phi1 ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean 1y survival mean.phi2 ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean 2y survival mean.phiad ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean ad survival mean.alpha1 ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean 1y breeding prob. mean.alpha2 ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean 2y breeding prob. mean.pNB ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture non-breeders mean.pB ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture breeders # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[1,i,t,2] <- phi.1[t] * (1-alpha.1[t]) ps[1,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[1,i,t,4] <- phi.1[t] * alpha.1[t] ps[1,i,t,5] <- 1-phi.1[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,3] <- phi.2[t] * (1-alpha.2[t]) ps[2,i,t,4] <- phi.2[t] * alpha.2[t] ps[2,i,t,5] <- 1-phi.2[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,4] <- phi.ad[t] ps[3,i,t,5] <- 1-phi.ad[t] ps[4,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,4] <- phi.ad[t] ps[4,i,t,5] <- 1-phi.ad[t] ps[5,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[5,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[5,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[5,i,t,4] <- 0 ps[5,i,t,5] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- 0 po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 0 po[1,i,t,4] <- 1 po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- p.NB[t] po[2,i,t,3] <- 0 po[2,i,t,4] <- 1-p.NB[t] po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- p.NB[t] po[3,i,t,3] <- 0 po[3,i,t,4] <- 1-p.NB[t] po[4,i,t,1] <- 0 po[4,i,t,2] <- 0 po[4,i,t,3] <- p.B[t] po[4,i,t,4] <- 1-p.B[t] po[5,i,t,1] <- 0 po[5,i,t,2] <- 0 po[5,i,t,3] <- 0 po[5,i,t,4] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1]) # Initial values # We have to provide initial values for the true latent state z. Since the observed state numbers do not always match the true state numbers, we cannot use simple the observed multistate capture history as initial value for z. The following function creates initial values for z from our observation under the model we want to analyse. agefirst.init <- function(ch, f){ age <- array(NA, dim=dim(ch)) for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ for (t in f[i]:ncol(ch)){ age[i,t] <- min(c(t-f[i]+1, 4)) } } ini <- array(NA, dim=dim(ch)) for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ for (t in f[i]:ncol(ch)){ if(ch[i,t]==1) ini[i,t] <- 1 if(ch[i,t]==2&age[i,t]==2) ini[i,t] <- 2 if(ch[i,t]==3&age[i,t]==2) ini[i,t] <- 4 if(ch[i,t]==3&age[i,t]==3) ini[i,t] <- 4 if(ch[i,t]==4&age[i,t]==4) ini[i,t] <- 4 if(ch[i,t]==2&age[i,t]==3) ini[i,t] <- 3 } } ini[which(is.na(ini))] <- age[which(is.na(ini))] for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ ini[i,f[i]] <- NA for (t in f[i]:(ncol(ch)-1)){ if(ini[i,t]==4 & ini[i,t+1]==3) ini[i,t+1] <- 4 } } return(ini) } inits <- function(){list(mean.phi1 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phi2 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phiad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.alpha1 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.alpha2 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pNB = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pB = runif(1, 0, 1), z = agefirst.init(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi1", "mean.phi2", "mean.phiad", "mean.alpha1", "mean.alpha2", "mean.pNB", "mean.pB") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 2 min) agefirst <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "agerecruitment.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) par(mfrow = c(3, 3), las = 1) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi1, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi[1])) abline(v = phi.1, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phi2, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi[2]), ylab = "") abline(v = phi.2, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.phiad, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(phi[ad]) , ylab = "") abline(v = phi.ad, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.alpha1, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(alpha[1])) abline(v = alpha.1, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.alpha2, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(alpha[2]) , ylab = "") abline(v = alpha.2, col = "red", lwd = 2) plot(0, type = "n", axes = F, ylab = "", xlab = "") hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.pNB, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(p[NB])) abline(v = p.NB, col = "red", lwd = 2) hist(agefirst$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.pB, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = expression(p[B]) , ylab = "") abline(v = p.B, col = "red", lwd = 2) # Add-in for JAGS # Since we have created a matrix with initial values for the true state z, we can use part of this information as data (see chapter 7.3.1) which can help with convergence and computing time). Here we give those initial values that are based on an actual observation. Since the first observation is deterministic, it must be excluded. The following code constructs the data matrix: ch <- rCH ch[ch==4] <- NA z.known <- agefirst.init(rCH, f) z.known[is.na(ch)] <- NA for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ z.known[i,f[i]] <- NA } z <- agefirst.init(rCH, f) z[!is.na(z.known)] <- NA # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = z.known) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phi1 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phi2 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phiad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.alpha1 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.alpha2 = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pNB = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pB = runif(1, 0, 1), z = z)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi1", "mean.phi2", "mean.phiad", "mean.alpha1", "mean.alpha2", "mean.pNB", "mean.pB") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 2 min) agefirst <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "agerecruitment.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) ################################################ # 9.5. Joint analysis of capture-recapture and mark-recovery data # 9.5.1. Model description # 9.5.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals s <- 0.8 F <- 0.6 r <- 0.1 p <- 0.5 n.occasions <- 10 n.states <- 4 n.obs <- 3 marked <- matrix(0, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(100, n.occasions) # Releases in study area # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( s*F, s*(1-F), 1-s, 0, 0, s, 1-s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( p, 0, 1-p, 0, 0, 1, 0, r, 1-r, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute date of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed! # 1 = alive and in study are, 2 = recovered dead, 3 = not seen or recovered rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 3 # 9.5.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("lifedead.jags") cat(" model { # ------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # s: true survival probability # F: fidelity probability # r: recovery probability # p: recapture/resighting probability # ------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive in study area # 2 alive outside study area # 3 recently dead and recovered # 4 recently dead, but not recovered, or dead (absorbing) # Observations (O): # 1 seen alive # 2 recovered dead # 3 neither seen nor recovered # ------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ s[t] <- mean.s F[t] <- mean.f r[t] <- mean.r p[t] <- mean.p } mean.s ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.f ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean fidelity mean.r ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recovery mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean recapture # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- s[t]*F[t] ps[1,i,t,2] <- s[t]*(1-F[t]) ps[1,i,t,3] <- (1-s[t])*r[t] ps[1,i,t,4] <- (1-s[t])*(1-r[t]) ps[2,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,2] <- s[t] ps[2,i,t,3] <- (1-s[t])*r[t] ps[2,i,t,4] <- (1-s[t])*(1-r[t]) ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,4] <- 1 ps[4,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,4] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- p[t] po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 1-p[t] po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- 0 po[2,i,t,3] <- 1 po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 1 po[3,i,t,3] <- 0 po[4,i,t,1] <- 0 po[4,i,t,2] <- 0 po[4,i,t,3] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1]) # Initial values # In order to run the model, we must provide sound initial values for the true latent state z. The difficulty is that observed states do not alsways correspond to the true latent state. For example, in our observation the state 2 refers to an individuals whose ring has been reported, while the true state 2 refers to an individuals that is avlive, but outside the study area. Consequently, we cannot use the observed states as the initial values for the true state in JAGS (in BUGS this works well). The function known.ld provides initial values for the state z for our model. The important things are i) that the observations correspond to the true state (i.e. all "2" are converted into "3"), ii) that states after a "3" are all "4", iii) that all non-observations between "1" become "1", and iv) that all remaining originally "3" after the first observation become "1". ld.init <- function(ch, f){ ch[ch==3] <- NA v2 <- which(ch==2, arr.ind = T) ch[v2] <- 3 for (i in 1:nrow(v2)){ ifelse(v2[i,2]!=ncol(ch), ch[v2[i,1], (v2[i,2]+1):ncol(ch)] <- 4, next)} for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ m <- max(which(ch[i,]==1)) ch[i,f[i]:m] <- 1 } for (i in 1:nrow(v2)){ u1 <- min(which(ch[v2[i,1],]==1)) ch[v2[i],u1:(v2[i,2]-1)] <- 1 } for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ for (j in f[i]:ncol(ch)){ if(is.na(ch[i,j])==1) ch[i,j] <- 1 } ch[i,f[i]] <- NA } return(ch) } inits <- function(){list(mean.s = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.f = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.r = runif(1, 0, 1), z = ld.init(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.s", "mean.f", "mean.r", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 4000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 80 min) lifedead <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "lifedead.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(lifedead, digit = 3) # Note that convergence is hard to get, much longer chains or more informative priors would be necessary to get convergence quicker. # Add-in for JAGS # Since we have created a matrix with initial values for the true state z, we can use part of this information as data (see chapter 7.3.1) which can help with convergence and computing time). Here we give those initial values that are based on an actual observation. Since the first observation is deterministic, it must be excluded. The following code constructs the data matrix: ch <- rCH ch[ch==3] <- NA z.known <- ld.init(rCH, f) z.known[is.na(ch)] <- NA for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ z.known[i,f[i]] <- NA } z <- ld.init(rCH, f) z[!is.na(ch)] <- NA # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = z.known) inits <- function(){list(mean.s = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.f = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.r = runif(1, 0, 1), z = z)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.s", "mean.f", "mean.r", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 4000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 80 min) lifedead <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "lifedead.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(lifedead, digit = 3) ############################################################## # 9.6. Estimation of movement among three sites # 9.6.1. Model description # 9.6.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phiA <- 0.85 phiB <- 0.75 phiC <- 0.65 psiAB <- 0.3 psiAC <- 0.2 psiBA <- 0.5 psiBC <- 0.1 psiCA <- 0.6 psiCB <- 0.1 pA <- 0.7 pB <- 0.4 pC <- 0.5 n.occasions <- 6 n.states <- 4 n.obs <- 4 marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(50, n.occasions) marked[,2] <- rep(50, n.occasions) marked[,3] <- rep(50, n.occasions) marked[,4] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( phiA*(1-psiAB-psiAC), phiA*psiAB, phiA*psiAC, 1-phiA, phiB*psiBA, phiB*(1-psiBA-psiBC), phiB*psiBC, 1-phiB, phiC*psiCA, phiC*psiCB, phiC*(1-psiCA-psiCB), 1-phiC, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( pA, 0, 0, 1-pA, 0, pB, 0, 1-pB, 0, 0, pC, 1-pC, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasions of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed in WinBUGS! # 1 = seen alive in A, 2 = seen alive in B, 3, seen alive in C, 4 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 4 # 9.6.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ms3-multinomlogit.jags") cat(" model { # ------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phiA: survival probability at site A # phiB: survival probability at site B # phiC: survival probability at site C # psiAB: movement probability from site A to site B # psiAC: movement probability from site A to site C # psiBA: movement probability from site B to site A # psiBC: movement probability from site B to site C # psiCA: movement probability from site C to site A # psiCB: movement probability from site C to site B # pA: recapture probability at site A # pB: recapture probability at site B # pC: recapture probability at site C # ------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive at A # 2 alive at B # 3 alive at C # 4 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen at A # 2 seen at B # 3 seen at C # 4 not seen # ------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints # Survival and recapture: uniform phiA ~ dunif(0, 1) phiB ~ dunif(0, 1) phiC ~ dunif(0, 1) pA ~ dunif(0, 1) pB ~ dunif(0, 1) pC ~ dunif(0, 1) # Transitions: multinomial logit # Normal priors on logit of all but one transition probas for (i in 1:2){ lpsiA[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) lpsiB[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) lpsiC[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) } # Constrain the transitions such that their sum is < 1 for (i in 1:2){ psiA[i] <- exp(lpsiA[i]) / (1 + exp(lpsiA[1]) + exp(lpsiA[2])) psiB[i] <- exp(lpsiB[i]) / (1 + exp(lpsiB[1]) + exp(lpsiB[2])) psiC[i] <- exp(lpsiC[i]) / (1 + exp(lpsiC[1]) + exp(lpsiC[2])) } # Calculate the last transition probability psiA[3] <- 1-psiA[1]-psiA[2] psiB[3] <- 1-psiB[1]-psiB[2] psiC[3] <- 1-psiC[1]-psiC[2] # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- phiA * psiA[1] ps[1,i,t,2] <- phiA * psiA[2] ps[1,i,t,3] <- phiA * psiA[3] ps[1,i,t,4] <- 1-phiA ps[2,i,t,1] <- phiB * psiB[1] ps[2,i,t,2] <- phiB * psiB[2] ps[2,i,t,3] <- phiB * psiB[3] ps[2,i,t,4] <- 1-phiB ps[3,i,t,1] <- phiC * psiC[1] ps[3,i,t,2] <- phiC * psiC[2] ps[3,i,t,3] <- phiC * psiC[3] ps[3,i,t,4] <- 1-phiC ps[4,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,4] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- pA po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 0 po[1,i,t,4] <- 1-pA po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- pB po[2,i,t,3] <- 0 po[2,i,t,4] <- 1-pB po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 0 po[3,i,t,3] <- pC po[3,i,t,4] <- 1-pC po[4,i,t,1] <- 0 po[4,i,t,2] <- 0 po[4,i,t,3] <- 0 po[4,i,t,4] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = known.state.ms(rCH, 4)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(phiA = runif(1, 0, 1), phiB = runif(1, 0, 1), phiC = runif(1, 0, 1), lpsiA = rnorm(2), lpsiB = rnorm(2), lpsiC = rnorm(2), pA = runif(1, 0, 1) , pB = runif(1, 0, 1) , pC = runif(1, 0, 1), z = ms.init.z(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phiA", "phiB", "phiC", "psiA", "psiB", "psiC", "pA", "pB", "pC") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 nt <- 6 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 56 min) ms3 <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ms3-multinomlogit.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(ms3, digits = 3) # 9.7. Real data example: the showy lady’s slipper CH <- as.matrix(read.table("orchids.txt", sep=" ", header = F)) n.occasions <- dim(CH)[2] # Compute vector with occasion of first capture f <- numeric() for (i in 1:dim(CH)[1]){f[i] <- min(which(CH[i,]!=0))} # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed by WinBUGS! # 1 = seen vegetative, 2 = seen flowering, 3 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 3 # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ladyslipper.jags") cat(" model { # ------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # s: survival probability # psiV: transitions from vegetative # psiF: transitions from flowering # psiD: transitions from dormant # ------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 vegetative # 2 flowering # 3 dormant # 4 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen vegetative # 2 seen flowering # 3 not seen # ------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints # Survival: uniform for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ s[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) } # Transitions: gamma priors for (i in 1:3){ a[i] ~ dgamma(1, 1) psiD[i] <- a[i]/sum(a[]) b[i] ~ dgamma(1, 1) psiV[i] <- b[i]/sum(b[]) c[i] ~ dgamma(1, 1) psiF[i] <- c[i]/sum(c[]) } # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- s[t] * psiV[1] ps[1,i,t,2] <- s[t] * psiV[2] ps[1,i,t,3] <- s[t] * psiV[3] ps[1,i,t,4] <- 1-s[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- s[t] * psiF[1] ps[2,i,t,2] <- s[t] * psiF[2] ps[2,i,t,3] <- s[t] * psiF[3] ps[2,i,t,4] <- 1-s[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- s[t] * psiD[1] ps[3,i,t,2] <- s[t] * psiD[2] ps[3,i,t,3] <- s[t] * psiD[3] ps[3,i,t,4] <- 1-s[t] ps[4,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[4,i,t,4] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- 1 po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 0 po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- 1 po[2,i,t,3] <- 0 po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 0 po[3,i,t,3] <- 1 po[4,i,t,1] <- 0 po[4,i,t,2] <- 0 po[4,i,t,3] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ # Define latent state at first capture z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = known.state.ms(rCH, 3)) # Initial values # Note that all initial values of the unknown z must all be 3 (not 1 or 2). Therefore the function ms.init.z need some slight changes. ms.init.z <- function(ch, f){ for (i in 1:dim(ch)[1]){ch[i,1:f[i]] <- NA} states <- max(ch, na.rm = TRUE) v <- which(ch==states) ch[-v] <- NA ch[v] <- states return(ch) } inits <- function(){list(s = runif((dim(rCH)[2]-1), 0, 1), z = ms.init.z(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("s", "psiV", "psiF", "psiD") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) ls <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ladyslipper.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(ls, digits = 3) ######################################################################################### # # 10. Estimation of survival, recruitment and population size using the Jolly-Seber model # ########################################################################################## # 10.3. Fitting the JS model with data augmentation # 10.3.1. The JS model as a restricted dynamic occupancy model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("js-rest.occ.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- mean.phi } #t for (t in 1:n.occasions){ p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) for (t in 1:n.occasions){ gamma[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) } #t # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # First occasion # State process z[i,1] ~ dbern(gamma[1]) # Observation process mu1[i] <- z[i,1] * p[i,1] y[i,1] ~ dbern(mu1[i]) # Subsequent occasions for (t in 2:n.occasions){ # State process q[i,t-1] <- 1-z[i,t-1] # Availability for recruitment mu2[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] + gamma[t] * prod(q[i,1:(t-1)]) z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) # Observation process mu3[i,t] <- z[i,t] * p[i,t] y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu3[i,t]) } #t } #i # Calculate derived population parameters for (t in 1:n.occasions){ qgamma[t] <- 1-gamma[t] } cprob[1] <- gamma[1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ cprob[t] <- gamma[t] * prod(qgamma[1:(t-1)]) } #t psi <- sum(cprob[]) # Inclusion probability for (t in 1:n.occasions){ b[t] <- cprob[t] / psi # Entry probability } #t for (i in 1:M){ recruit[i,1] <- z[i,1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ recruit[i,t] <- (1-z[i,t-1]) * z[i,t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:n.occasions){ N[t] <- sum(z[1:M,t]) # Actual population size B[t] <- sum(recruit[1:M,t]) # Number of entries } #t for (i in 1:M){ Nind[i] <- sum(z[i,1:n.occasions]) Nalive[i] <- 1-equals(Nind[i], 0) } #i Nsuper <- sum(Nalive[]) # Superpopulation size } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # 10.3.2. The JS model as a multistate model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("js-ms.jags") cat(" model { #-------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phi: survival probability # gamma: removal entry probability # p: capture probability #-------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 not yet entered # 2 alive # 3 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen # 2 not seen #-------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[t] <- mean.phi gamma[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for entry probabilities p[t] <- mean.p } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean capture # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:M){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- 1-gamma[t] ps[1,i,t,2] <- gamma[t] ps[1,i,t,3] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,2] <- phi[t] ps[2,i,t,3] <- 1-phi[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- 0 po[1,i,t,2] <- 1 po[2,i,t,1] <- p[t] po[2,i,t,2] <- 1-p[t] po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 1 } #t } #i # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # Define latent state at first occasion z[i,1] <- 1 # Make sure that all M individuals are in state 1 at t=1 for (t in 2:n.occasions){ # State process: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation process: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i # Calculate derived population parameters for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ qgamma[t] <- 1-gamma[t] } cprob[1] <- gamma[1] for (t in 2:(n.occasions-1)){ cprob[t] <- gamma[t] * prod(qgamma[1:(t-1)]) } #t psi <- sum(cprob[]) # Inclusion probability for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ b[t] <- cprob[t] / psi # Entry probability } #t for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 2:n.occasions){ al[i,t-1] <- equals(z[i,t], 2) } #t for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ d[i,t] <- equals(z[i,t]-al[i,t],0) } #t alive[i] <- sum(al[i,]) } #i for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ N[t] <- sum(al[,t]) # Actual population size B[t] <- sum(d[,t]) # Number of entries } #t for (i in 1:M){ w[i] <- 1-equals(alive[i],0) } #i Nsuper <- sum(w[]) # Superpopulation size } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # 10.3.3. The superpopulation parameterization # Specify model in BUGS language sink("js-super.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- mean.phi } #t for (t in 1:n.occasions){ p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean capture psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for inclusion probability # Dirichlet prior for entry probabilities for (t in 1:n.occasions){ beta[t] ~ dgamma(1, 1) b[t] <- beta[t] / sum(beta[1:n.occasions]) } # Convert entry probs to conditional entry probs nu[1] <- b[1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ nu[t] <- b[t] / (1-sum(b[1:(t-1)])) } #t # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # First occasion # State process w[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Draw latent inclusion z[i,1] ~ dbern(nu[1]) # Observation process mu1[i] <- z[i,1] * p[i,1] * w[i] y[i,1] ~ dbern(mu1[i]) # Subsequent occasions for (t in 2:n.occasions){ # State process q[i,t-1] <- 1-z[i,t-1] mu2[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] + nu[t] * prod(q[i,1:(t-1)]) z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) # Observation process mu3[i,t] <- z[i,t] * p[i,t] * w[i] y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu3[i,t]) } #t } #i # Calculate derived population parameters for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:n.occasions){ u[i,t] <- z[i,t]*w[i] # Deflated latent state (u) } } for (i in 1:M){ recruit[i,1] <- u[i,1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ recruit[i,t] <- (1-u[i,t-1]) * u[i,t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:n.occasions){ N[t] <- sum(u[1:M,t]) # Actual population size B[t] <- sum(recruit[1:M,t]) # Number of entries } #t for (i in 1:M){ Nind[i] <- sum(u[i,1:n.occasions]) Nalive[i] <- 1-equals(Nind[i], 0) } #i Nsuper <- sum(Nalive[]) # Superpopulation size } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # 10.4. Models with constant survival and time-dependent entry # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 7 # Number of capture occasions N <- 400 # Superpopulation size phi <- rep(0.7, n.occasions-1) # Survival probabilities b <- c(0.34, rep(0.11, n.occasions-1)) # Entry probabilities p <- rep(0.5, n.occasions) # Capture probabilities PHI <- matrix(rep(phi, (n.occasions-1)*N), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = N, byrow = T) P <- matrix(rep(p, n.occasions*N), ncol = n.occasions, nrow = N, byrow = T) # Function to simulate capture-recapture data under the JS model simul.js <- function(PHI, P, b, N){ B <- rmultinom(1, N, b) # Generate no. of entering ind. per occasion n.occasions <- dim(PHI)[2] + 1 CH.sur <- CH.p <- matrix(0, ncol = n.occasions, nrow = N) # Define a vector with the occasion of entering the population ent.occ <- numeric() for (t in 1:n.occasions){ ent.occ <- c(ent.occ, rep(t, B[t])) } # Simulating survival for (i in 1:N){ CH.sur[i, ent.occ[i]] <- 1 # Write 1 when ind. enters the pop. if (ent.occ[i] == n.occasions) next for (t in (ent.occ[i]+1):n.occasions){ # Bernoulli trial: has individual survived occasion? sur <- rbinom(1, 1, PHI[i,t-1]) ifelse (sur==1, CH.sur[i,t] <- 1, break) } #t } #i # Simulating capture for (i in 1:N){ CH.p[i,] <- rbinom(n.occasions, 1, P[i,]) } #i # Full capture-recapture matrix CH <- CH.sur * CH.p # Remove individuals never captured cap.sum <- rowSums(CH) never <- which(cap.sum == 0) CH <- CH[-never,] Nt <- colSums(CH.sur) # Actual population size return(list(CH=CH, B=B, N=Nt)) } # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.js(PHI, P, b, N) CH <- sim$CH # Augment the capture-histories by nz pseudo-individuals nz <- 500 CH.aug <- rbind(CH, matrix(0, ncol = dim(CH)[2], nrow = nz)) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH.aug, n.occasions = dim(CH.aug)[2], M = dim(CH.aug)[1]) # Initial values # Good initial values for the latent state z are needed to run the model in JAGS. The simplest option that works is to give just a matrix with a 1 at all places. z.init <- CH.aug z.init[z.init==0] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), z = z.init)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("psi", "mean.p", "mean.phi", "b", "Nsuper", "N", "B", "gamma") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 11 min) js.occ <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "js-rest.occ.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(js.occ, digits = 3) # 10.4.2 Analysis of the JS model as a multistate model # Add dummy occasion CH.du <- cbind(rep(0, dim(CH)[1]), CH) # Augment data nz <- 500 CH.ms <- rbind(CH.du, matrix(0, ncol = dim(CH.du)[2], nrow = nz)) # Recode CH matrix: a 0 is not allowed in WinBUGS! CH.ms[CH.ms==0] <- 2 # Not seen = 2, seen = 1 # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH.ms, n.occasions = dim(CH.ms)[2], M = dim(CH.ms)[1]) # Initial values # As always in JAGS, good initial values need to be specified for the latent state z. They need to correspond to the true state, which is not the same as the observed state. Thus, we have given initial values of "1" for the latend state at all places before an individual was observed, an initial value of "2" at all places when the individual was observed alive or known to be alive and an initial value of "3" at all places after the last observation. The folllowing function creates the initial values. js.multistate.init <- function(ch, nz){ ch[ch==2] <- NA state <- ch for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ n1 <- min(which(ch[i,]==1)) n2 <- max(which(ch[i,]==1)) state[i,n1:n2] <- 2 } state[state==0] <- NA get.first <- function(x) min(which(!is.na(x))) get.last <- function(x) max(which(!is.na(x))) f <- apply(state, 1, get.first) l <- apply(state, 1, get.last) for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){ state[i,1:f[i]] <- 1 if(l[i]!=ncol(ch)) state[i, (l[i]+1):ncol(ch)] <- 3 state[i, f[i]] <- 2 } state <- rbind(state, matrix(1, ncol = ncol(ch), nrow = nz)) return(state) } inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), z = js.multistate.init(CH.du, nz))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.p", "mean.phi", "b", "Nsuper", "N", "B") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 3 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 32 min) js.ms <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "js-ms.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(js.ms, digits = 3) # 10.4.3 Analysis of the JS model under the superpopulation parameterization # Augment capture-histories by nz pseudo-individuals nz <- 500 CH.aug <- rbind(CH, matrix(0, ncol = dim(CH)[2], nrow = nz)) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH.aug, n.occasions = dim(CH.aug)[2], M = dim(CH.aug)[1]) # Initial values # Good initial values for the latent state z are needed to run the model in JAGS. The simplest option that works is to give just a matrix with a 1 at all places. Moreover, initial values for the inclusion parameter w should also be given, the simplest option is to provide a vector with 1's. z.init <- CH.aug z.init[z.init==0] <- 1 w.init <- rep(1, nrow(CH.aug)) inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), psi = runif(1, 0, 1), w = w.init, z = z.init)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("psi", "mean.p", "mean.phi", "b", "Nsuper", "N", "B", "nu") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 3 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 40 min) js.super <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "js-super.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(js.super, digits = 3) # 10.4.4 Comparison of estimates # Code to produce Fig. 10-4 par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5, 6, 2, 1), mgp=c(3.4, 1, 0), las = 1) plot(density(js.occ$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Nsuper), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "Density", frame = FALSE, lwd = 2, ylim=c(0, 0.023), col = "blue") points(density(js.ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Nsuper), type = "l", lty = 2, col = "blue", lwd = 2) points(density(js.super$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Nsuper), type = "l", lty = 3, col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = N, col = "red", lwd = 2) mtext("Size of superpopulation", 1, line = 3) text(x = 470, y = 0.02, "(a)") b1.lower <- b2.lower <- b3.lower <- b1.upper <- b2.upper <- b3.upper <- numeric() for (t in 1:n.occasions){ b1.lower[t] <- quantile(js.occ$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.025) b2.lower[t] <- quantile(js.ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.025) b3.lower[t] <- quantile(js.super$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.025) b1.upper[t] <- quantile(js.occ$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.975) b2.upper[t] <- quantile(js.ms$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.975) b3.upper[t] <- quantile(js.super$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b[,t], 0.975) } time <- 1:n.occasions plot(x = time-0.25, y = js.occ$BUGSoutput$mean$b, xlab = "", ylab = "Entry probability", frame = FALSE, las = 1, xlim = c(0.5, 7.5), pch = 16, ylim = c(0, max(c(b1.upper, b2.upper)))) segments(time-0.25, b1.lower, time-0.25, b1.upper) points(x = time, y = js.ms$BUGSoutput$mean$b, pch = 1) segments(time, b2.lower, time, b2.upper) points(x = time+0.25, y = js.super$BUGSoutput$mean$b, pch = 17) segments(time+0.25, b3.lower, time+0.25, b3.upper) points(x = time, y = b, pch = 18, col = "red") mtext("Year", 1, line = 3) text(x = 6, y = 0.39, "(b)") # 10.5. Models with individual capture heterogeneity # Define parameter values n.occasions <- 8 # Number of capture occasions N <- 300 # Size of the superpopulation phi <- rep(0.75, n.occasions-1) # Survival probabilities b <- c(0.37, rep(0.09, n.occasions-1)) # Entry probabilities mean.p <- 0.6 # Mean capture probability var.p <- 1 # Indv. Variance of capture prob. p <- plogis(rnorm(N, qlogis(mean.p), var.p^0.5)) PHI <- matrix(rep(phi, (n.occasions-1)*N), ncol = n.occasions-1, nrow = N, byrow = T) P <- matrix(rep(p, n.occasions), ncol = n.occasions, nrow = N, byrow = F) # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.js(PHI, P, b, N) CH <- sim$CH # Specify model in BUGS language sink("js-super-indran.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[i,t] <- mean.phi } #t for (t in 1:n.occasions){ logit(p[i,t]) <- mean.lp + epsilon[i] } #t } #i mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.lp <- log(mean.p / (1-mean.p)) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean capture for (i in 1:M){ epsilon[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau) } tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma ~ dunif(0, 5) # Prior for sd of indv. variation of p sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for inclusion probability # Dirichlet prior for entry probabilities for (t in 1:n.occasions){ beta[t] ~ dgamma(1, 1) b[t] <- beta[t] / sum(beta[1:n.occasions]) } # Convert entry probs to conditional entry probs nu[1] <- b[1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ nu[t] <- b[t] / (1-sum(b[1:(t-1)])) } #t # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # First occasion # State process w[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Draw latent inclusion z[i,1] ~ dbern(nu[1]) # Observation process mu1[i] <- z[i,1] * p[i,1] * w[i] y[i,1] ~ dbern(mu1[i]) # Subsequent occasions for (t in 2:n.occasions){ # State process q[i,t-1] <- 1-z[i,t-1] mu2[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] + nu[t] * prod(q[i,1:(t-1)]) z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) # Observation process mu3[i,t] <- z[i,t] * p[i,t] * w[i] y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu3[i,t]) } #t } #i # Calculate derived population parameters for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:n.occasions){ u[i,t] <- z[i,t]*w[i] # Deflated latent state (u) } } for (i in 1:M){ recruit[i,1] <- u[i,1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ recruit[i,t] <- (1-u[i,t-1]) * u[i,t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:n.occasions){ N[t] <- sum(u[1:M,t]) # Actual population size B[t] <- sum(recruit[1:M,t]) # Number of entries } #t for (i in 1:M){ Nind[i] <- sum(u[i,1:n.occasions]) Nalive[i] <- 1-equals(Nind[i], 0) } #i Nsuper <- sum(Nalive[]) # Superpopulation size } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Augment the capture-histories by nz pseudo-individuals nz <- 300 CH.aug <- rbind(CH, matrix(0, ncol = dim(CH)[2], nrow = nz)) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH.aug, n.occasions = dim(CH.aug)[2], M = dim(CH.aug)[1]) # Initial values # Good initial values for the latent state z are needed to run the model in JAGS. The simplest option that works is to give just a matrix with a 1 at all places. Moreover, initial values for the inclusion parameter w should also be given, the simplest option is to provide a vector with 1's. z.init <- CH.aug z.init[z.init==0] <- 1 w.init <- rep(1, nrow(CH.aug)) inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 1), w = w.init, z = z.init)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("sigma2","psi", "mean.p", "mean.phi", "N", "Nsuper", "b", "B") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 179 min) js.ran <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "js-super-indran.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(js.ran, digits = 3) # 10.7. Analysis of a real data set: survival, recruitment and population size of Leisler’s bats # Specify model in BUGS language sink("js-tempran.jags") cat(" model { # Priors and constraints for (i in 1:M){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ logit(phi[i,t]) <- mean.lphi + epsilon[t] } #t for (t in 1:n.occasions){ p[i,t] <- mean.p } #t } #i mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean capture mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Prior for mean survival mean.lphi <- log(mean.phi / (1-mean.phi)) for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau) } tau <- pow(sigma, -2) sigma ~ dunif(0, 5) # Prior for sd of indv. variation of phi sigma2 <- pow(sigma, 2) for (t in 1:n.occasions){ gamma[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) } #t # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # First occasion # State process z[i,1] ~ dbern(gamma[1]) mu1[i] <- z[i,1] * p[i,1] # Observation process y[i,1] ~ dbern(mu1[i]) # Subsequent occasions for (t in 2:n.occasions){ # State process q[i,t-1] <- 1-z[i,t-1] mu2[i,t] <- phi[i,t-1] * z[i,t-1] + gamma[t] * prod(q[i,1:(t-1)]) z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) # Observation process mu3[i,t] <- z[i,t] * p[i,t] y[i,t] ~ dbern(mu3[i,t]) } #t } #i # Calculate derived population parameters for (t in 1:n.occasions){ qgamma[t] <- 1-gamma[t] } cprob[1] <- gamma[1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ cprob[t] <- gamma[t] * prod(qgamma[1:(t-1)]) } #t psi <- sum(cprob[]) # Inclusion probability for (t in 1:n.occasions){ b[t] <- cprob[t] / psi # Entry probability } #t for (i in 1:M){ recruit[i,1] <- z[i,1] for (t in 2:n.occasions){ recruit[i,t] <- (1-z[i,t-1]) * z[i,t] } #t } #i for (t in 1:n.occasions){ N[t] <- sum(z[1:M,t]) # Actual population size B[t] <- sum(recruit[1:M,t]) # Number of entries } #t for (i in 1:M){ Nind[i] <- sum(z[i,1:n.occasions]) Nalive[i] <- 1-equals(Nind[i], 0) } #i Nsuper <- sum(Nalive[]) # Size of superpopulation } ",fill=TRUE) sink() leis <- as.matrix(read.table("leisleri.txt", sep = " ", header = FALSE)) nz <- 300 CH.aug <- rbind(leis, matrix(0, ncol = dim(leis)[2], nrow = nz)) # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = CH.aug, n.occasions = dim(CH.aug)[2], M = dim(CH.aug)[1]) # Initial values # Good initial values for the latent state z are needed to run the model in JAGS. The simplest option that works is to give just a matrix with a 1 at all places. z.init <- CH.aug z.init[z.init==0] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), sigma = runif(1, 0, 1), z = z.init)} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("psi", "mean.p", "sigma2", "mean.phi", "N", "Nsuper", "b", "B") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 127 min) nl <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "js-tempran.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(nl, digits = 3) # Code to produce Fig. 10-6 # Calculate per-capita recruitment T <- dim(leis)[2] f <- matrix(NA, ncol = T, nrow = length(nl$BUGSoutput$sims.list$B[,1])) for (t in 1:(T-1)){ f[,t] <- nl$BUGSoutput$sims.list$B[,t+1] / nl$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N[,t+1] } n.lower <- n.upper <- f.lower <- f.upper <- f.mean <- numeric() for (t in 1:T){ n.lower[t] <- quantile(nl$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N[,t], 0.025) n.upper[t] <- quantile(nl$BUGSoutput$sims.list$N[,t], 0.975) } for (t in 1:(T-1)){ f.lower[t] <- quantile(f[,t], 0.025) f.upper[t] <- quantile(f[,t], 0.975) f.mean[t] <- mean(f[,t]) } par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(nl$BUGSoutput$mean$N, type = "b", pch = 19, ylab = "Population size", xlab = "", axes = F, cex = 1.5, ylim = c(10, max(n.upper))) axis(1, at = seq(1, T, 2), labels = seq(1990, 2008, 2)) axis(1, at = 1:T, labels = rep("", T), tcl = -0.25) axis(2, las = 1) segments(1:T, n.lower, 1:T, n.upper) plot(f.mean, type = "b", pch = 19, ylab = "Local per capita recruitment", xlab = "", axes = F, cex = 1.5, ylim = c(0, 0.8)) axis(1, at = seq(1, (T-1), 2), labels = seq(1991, 2008, 2)) axis(1, at = 1:(T-1), labels = rep("", T-1), tcl = -0.25) axis(2, las = 1) segments(1:(T-1), f.lower, 1:(T-1), f.upper) ############################################################################ # # 11. Integrated population models # ############################################################################ # 11.3. Example of a simple IPM (counts, capture-recapture, reproduction) # 11.3.1. Load data # Population counts (from years 1 to 10) y <- c(45, 48, 44, 59, 62, 62, 55, 51, 46, 42) # Capture-recapture data (in m-array format, from years 1 to 10) m <- matrix(c(11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 12, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 15, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 3, 0, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 5, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 71, 10, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 13, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 2, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 2, 1, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 26), ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE) # Productivity data (from years 1 to 9) J <- c(64, 132, 86, 154, 156, 134, 116, 106, 110) R <- c(21, 28, 26, 38, 35, 33, 31, 30, 33) # 11.3.2. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ipm.jags") cat(" model { #------------------------------------------------- # Integrated population model # - Age structured model with 2 age classes: # 1-year old and adult (at least 2 years old) # - Age at first breeding = 1 year # - Prebreeding census, female-based # - All vital rates assumed to be constant #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- # 1. Define the priors for the parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Observation error tauy <- pow(sigma.y, -2) sigma.y ~ dunif(0, 50) sigma2.y <- pow(sigma.y, 2) # Initial population sizes # Note that this part is different than in BUGS: # 1. JAGS seems to be very sensitive to the choice of the prior distribution for the initial population sizes and of the choice of the observation model (priors) # 2. Since the initial population sizes are used in binomial distributions, the numbers must be integers, otherwise JAGS does not run. # The following specification seems to work very well and produces similar results as BUGS: n1 ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # 1-year nad ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # Adults N1[1] <- round(n1) Nad[1] <- round(nad) # Survival and recapture probabilities, as well as productivity for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ sjuv[t] <- mean.sjuv sad[t] <- mean.sad p[t] <- mean.p f[t] <- mean.fec } mean.sjuv ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.sad ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.fec ~ dunif(0, 20) #------------------------------------------------- # 2. Derived parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Population growth rate for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ lambda[t] <- Ntot[t+1] / Ntot[t] } #------------------------------------------------- # 3. The likelihoods of the single data sets #------------------------------------------------- # 3.1. Likelihood for population population count data (state-space model) # 3.1.1 System process for (t in 2:nyears){ mean1[t] <- f[t-1] / 2 * sjuv[t-1] * Ntot[t-1] N1[t] ~ dpois(mean1[t]) Nad[t] ~ dbin(sad[t-1], Ntot[t-1]) } for (t in 1:nyears){ Ntot[t] <- Nad[t] + N1[t] } # 3.1.2 Observation process for (t in 1:nyears){ y[t] ~ dnorm(Ntot[t], tauy) } # 3.2 Likelihood for capture-recapture data: CJS model (2 age classes) # Multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:2*(nyears-1)){ m[t,1:nyears] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], r[t]) } # m-array cell probabilities for juveniles for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal q[t] <- 1-p[t] pr[t,t] <- sjuv[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t,j] <- sjuv[t]*prod(sad[(t+1):j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column: probability of non-recapture pr[t,nyears] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # m-array cell probabilities for adults for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal pr[t+nyears-1,t] <- sad[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- prod(sad[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column pr[t+nyears-1,nyears] <- 1 - sum(pr[t+nyears-1,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # 3.3. Likelihood for productivity data: Poisson regression for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ J[t] ~ dpois(rho[t]) rho[t] <- R[t]*f[t] } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(m = m, y = y, J = J, R = R, nyears = dim(m)[2], r = rowSums(m)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.sjuv = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.sad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.fec = runif(1, 0, 10), sigma.y = runif(1, 0, 1), n1 = rpois(1, 30), nad = rpois(1, 30))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.sjuv", "mean.sad", "mean.p", "mean.fec", "N1", "Nad", "Ntot", "sigma2.y", "lambda") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 6 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 2 min) ipm <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ipm.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(ipm, digits = 3) # Note that sometimes the model does not run, because of the estimation of the population growth rate (lambda). Presumably, awkward numbers such as 0 are produced during the initialising phase and then the ratio cannot be computed. There are two options: 1) just run the model again until it works, or 2) delete the calculation of lambda within the JAGS code and compute it afterwards based on the posterior samples of Ntot. # Produce Fig. 11-4 par(cex = 1.2) lower <- upper <- numeric() for (i in 1:10){ lower[i] <- quantile(ipm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.025) upper[i] <- quantile(ipm$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.975) } plot(ipm$BUGSoutput$mean$Ntot, type = "b", ylim = c(35, 65), ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", las = 1, pch = 16, col = "blue", frame = F, cex = 1.5) segments(1:10, lower, 1:10, upper, col = "blue") points(y, type = "b", col = "black", pch = 16, lty = 2, cex = 1.5) legend(x = 1, y = 65, legend = c("Counts", "Estimates"), pch = c(16, 16), col = c("black", "blue"), lty = c(2, 1), bty = "n") # 11.4. Another example of an IPM: Estimating productivity without explicit productivity data # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ipm-prod.jags") cat(" model { #------------------------------------------------- # Integrated population model # - Age structured model with 2 age classes: # 1-year old and adult (at least 2 years old) # - Age at first breeding = 1 year # - Prebreeding census, female-based # - All vital rates assumed to be constant #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- # 1. Define the priors for the parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Observation error tauy <- pow(sigma.y, -2) sigma.y ~ dunif(0, 50) sigma2.y <- pow(sigma.y, 2) # Initial population sizes n1 ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # 1-year nad ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # Adults N1[1] <- round(n1) Nad[1] <- round(nad) # Survival and recapture probabilities, as well as productivity for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ sjuv[t] <- mean.sjuv sad[t] <- mean.sad p[t] <- mean.p f[t] <- mean.fec } mean.sjuv ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.sad ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.fec ~ dunif(0, 20) #------------------------------------------------- # 2. Derived parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Population growth rate for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ lambda[t] <- Ntot[t+1] / Ntot[t] } #------------------------------------------------- # 3. The likelihoods of the single data sets #------------------------------------------------- # 3.1. Likelihood for population population count data (state-space model) # 3.1.1 System process for (t in 2:nyears){ mean1[t] <- f[t-1] / 2 * sjuv[t-1] * Ntot[t-1] N1[t] ~ dpois(mean1[t]) Nad[t] ~ dbin(sad[t-1], Ntot[t-1]) } for (t in 1:nyears){ Ntot[t] <- Nad[t] + N1[t] } # 3.1.2 Observation process for (t in 1:nyears){ y[t] ~ dnorm(Ntot[t], tauy) } # 3.2 Likelihood for capture-recapture data: CJS model (2 age classes) # Multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:2*(nyears-1)){ m[t,1:nyears] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], r[t]) } # m-array cell probabilities for juveniles for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal q[t] <- 1-p[t] pr[t,t] <- sjuv[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t,j] <- sjuv[t]*prod(sad[(t+1):j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column: probability of non-recapture pr[t,nyears] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # m-array cell probabilities for adults for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal pr[t+nyears-1,t] <- sad[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- prod(sad[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column pr[t+nyears-1,nyears] <- 1 - sum(pr[t+nyears-1,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(m = m, y = y, nyears = dim(m)[2], r = rowSums(m)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.sjuv= runif(1, 0, 1), mean.sad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.fec = runif(1, 0, 10), n1 = rpois(1, 30), nad = rpois(1, 30), sigma.y = runif(1, 0, 10))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.sjuv", "mean.sad", "mean.p", "mean.fec", "N1", "Nad", "Ntot", "sigma2.y", "lambda") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) ipm.prod <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ipm-prod.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(ipm.prod, digits = 3) # 11.5. IPMs for population viability analysis # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ipm-pred.jags") cat(" model { #------------------------------------------------- # Integrated population model # - Age structured model with 2 age classes: # 1-year old and adult (at least 2 years old) # - Age at first breeding = 1 year # - Prebreeding census, female-based # - All vital rates assumed to be constant #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- # 1. Define the priors for the parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Observation error tauy <- pow(sigma.y, -2) sigma.y ~ dunif(0, 50) sigma2.y <- pow(sigma.y, 2) # Initial population sizes n1 ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # 1-year nad ~ dnorm(25, tauy)T(0,) # Adults N1[1] <- round(n1) Nad[1] <- round(nad) # Survival and recapture probabilities, as well as productivity for (t in 1:(nyears-1+t.pred)){ sjuv[t] <- mean.sjuv sad[t] <- mean.sad p[t] <- mean.p f[t] <- mean.fec } mean.sjuv ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.sad ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.fec ~ dunif(0, 20) #------------------------------------------------- # 2. Derived parameters #------------------------------------------------- # Population growth rate for (t in 1:(nyears-1+t.pred)){ lambda[t] <- Ntot[t+1] / Ntot[t] } #------------------------------------------------- # 3. The likelihoods of the single data sets #------------------------------------------------- # 3.1. Likelihood for population population count data (state-space model) # 3.1.1 System process for (t in 2:(nyears+t.pred)){ mean1[t] <- f[t-1] / 2 * sjuv[t-1] * Ntot[t-1] N1[t] ~ dpois(mean1[t]) Nad[t] ~ dbin(sad[t-1], Ntot[t-1]) } for (t in 1:(nyears+t.pred)){ Ntot[t] <- Nad[t] + N1[t] } # 3.1.2 Observation process for (t in 1:nyears){ y[t] ~ dnorm(Ntot[t], tauy) } # 3.2 Likelihood for capture-recapture data: CJS model (2 age classes) # Multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:2*(nyears-1)){ m[t,1:nyears] ~ dmulti(pr[t,], r[t]) } # m-array cell probabilities for juveniles for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal q[t] <- 1-p[t] pr[t,t] <- sjuv[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t,j] <- sjuv[t]*prod(sad[(t+1):j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column: probability of non-recapture pr[t,nyears] <- 1-sum(pr[t,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # m-array cell probabilities for adults for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal pr[t+nyears-1,t] <- sad[t] * p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- prod(sad[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr[t+nyears-1,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column pr[t+nyears-1,nyears] <- 1 - sum(pr[t+nyears-1,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # 3.3. Likelihood for productivity data: Poisson regression for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ J[t] ~ dpois(rho[t]) rho[t] <- R[t]*f[t] } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Give the number of future years for which population size shall be estimated t.pred <- 5 # Bundle data jags.data <- list(m = m, y = y, J = J, R = R, nyears = dim(m)[2], t.pred = t.pred, r = rowSums(m)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.sjuv = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.sad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.fec = runif(1, 0, 10), n1 = rpois(1, 30), nad = rpois(1, 30), sigma.y = runif(1, 0, 10))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.sjuv", "mean.sad", "mean.p", "mean.fec", "N1", "Nad", "Ntot", "sigma2.y", "lambda") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 5000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) ipm.pred <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ipm-pred.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Produce Fig. 11-5 par(cex = 1.2) lower <- upper <- numeric() for (i in 1:15){ lower[i] <- quantile(ipm.pred$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.025) upper[i] <- quantile(ipm.pred$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.975) } plot(ipm.pred$BUGSoutput$mean$Ntot, type = "b", ylim = c(10, max(upper)), ylab = "Population size", xlab = "Year", las = 1, pch = 16, col = "blue", frame = F) segments(1:15, lower, 1:15, upper, col = "blue") points(y, type = "b", col = "black", lty = 2, pch = 16) legend(x = 1, y = 80, legend = c("Counts", "Estimates"), pch = c(16, 16), col = c("black", "blue"), lty = c(2, 1), bty = "n") mean(ipm.pred$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,15]<30) # 11.6. Real data example: hoopoe population dynamics # Load data nyears <- 9 # Number of years # Capture-recapture data: m-array of juveniles and adults (these are males and females together) marray.j <- matrix (c(15, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 198, 0, 34, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 287, 0, 0, 56, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 455, 0, 0, 0, 48, 3, 1, 0, 0, 518, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 13, 2, 0, 463, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 7, 0, 493, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 3, 434, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 405), nrow = 8, ncol = 9, byrow = TRUE) marray.a <- matrix(c(14, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 0, 22, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 34, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 0, 0, 0, 51, 3, 0, 0, 0, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 3, 0, 0, 118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 3, 0, 113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 2, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 90), nrow = 8, ncol = 9, byrow = TRUE) # Population count data popcount <- c(32, 42, 64, 85, 82, 78, 73, 69, 79) # Productivity data J <- c(189, 274, 398, 538, 520, 476, 463, 438) # Number of offspring R <- c(28, 36, 57, 77, 81, 83, 77, 72) # Number of surveyed broods # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ipm.hoopoe.jags") cat(" model { #------------------------------------------------------------ # Integrated population model # - Age structured model with 2 age classes: # 1-year old and adult (at least 2 years old) # - Age at first breeding = 1 year # - Prebreeding census, female-based # - All vital rates are assumed to be time-dependent (random) # - Explicit estimation of immigration #------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------- # 1. Define the priors for the parameters #---------------------------------------- # Initial population sizes n1 ~ dnorm(100, 0.0001)I(0,) # 1-year old individuals nadSurv ~ dnorm(100, 0.0001)I(0,) # Adults >= 2 years nadimm ~ dnorm(100, 0.0001)I(0,) # Immigrants N1[1] <- round(n1) NadSurv[1] <- round(nadSurv) Nadimm[1] <- round(nadimm) # Mean demographic parameters (on appropriate scale) l.mphij ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) l.mphia ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) l.mfec ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) l.mim ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) l.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) # Precision of standard deviations of temporal variability sig.phij ~ dunif(0, 10) tau.phij <- pow(sig.phij, -2) sig.phia ~ dunif(0, 10) tau.phia <- pow(sig.phia, -2) sig.fec ~ dunif(0, 10) tau.fec <- pow(sig.fec, -2) sig.im ~ dunif(0, 10) tau.im <- pow(sig.im, -2) # Distribution of error terms (Bounded to help with convergence) for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ epsilon.phij[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau.phij) epsilon.phia[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau.phia) epsilon.fec[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau.fec) epsilon.im[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau.im) } #------------------------- # 2. Constrain parameters #------------------------- for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ logit(phij[t]) <- l.mphij + epsilon.phij[t] # Juv. apparent survival logit(phia[t]) <- l.mphia + epsilon.phia[t] # Adult apparent survival log(f[t]) <- l.mfec + epsilon.fec[t] # Productivity log(omega[t]) <- l.mim + epsilon.im[t] # Immigration logit(p[t]) <- l.p # Recapture probability } #----------------------- # 3. Derived parameters #----------------------- mphij <- exp(l.mphij)/(1+exp(l.mphij)) # Mean juvenile survival probability mphia <- exp(l.mphia)/(1+exp(l.mphia)) # Mean adult survival probability mfec <- exp(l.mfec) # Mean productivity mim <- exp(l.mim) # Mean immigration rate # Population growth rate for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ lambda[t] <- Ntot[t+1] / Ntot[t] logla[t] <- log(lambda[t]) } mlam <- exp((1/(nyears-1))*sum(logla[1:(nyears-1)])) # Geometric mean #-------------------------------------------- # 4. The likelihoods of the single data sets #-------------------------------------------- # 4.1. Likelihood for population population count data (state-space model) # 4.1.1 System process for (t in 2:nyears){ mean1[t] <- 0.5 * f[t-1] * phij[t-1] * Ntot[t-1] N1[t] ~ dpois(mean1[t]) NadSurv[t] ~ dbin(phia[t-1], Ntot[t-1]) mpo[t] <- Ntot[t-1] * omega[t-1] Nadimm[t] ~ dpois(mpo[t]) } # 4.1.2 Observation process for (t in 1:nyears){ Ntot[t] <- NadSurv[t] + Nadimm[t] + N1[t] y[t] ~ dpois(Ntot[t]) } # 4.2 Likelihood for capture-recapture data: CJS model (2 age classes) # Multinomial likelihood for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ marray.j[t,1:nyears] ~ dmulti(pr.j[t,], r.j[t]) marray.a[t,1:nyears] ~ dmulti(pr.a[t,], r.a[t]) } # m-array cell probabilities for juveniles for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ q[t] <- 1-p[t] # Main diagonal pr.j[t,t] <- phij[t]*p[t] # Above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr.j[t,j] <- phij[t]*prod(phia[(t+1):j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr.j[t,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column pr.j[t,nyears] <- 1-sum(pr.j[t,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # m-array cell probabilities for adults for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ # Main diagonal pr.a[t,t] <- phia[t]*p[t] # above main diagonal for (j in (t+1):(nyears-1)){ pr.a[t,j] <- prod(phia[t:j])*prod(q[t:(j-1)])*p[j] } #j # Below main diagonal for (j in 1:(t-1)){ pr.a[t,j] <- 0 } #j # Last column pr.a[t,nyears] <- 1-sum(pr.a[t,1:(nyears-1)]) } #t # 4.3. Likelihood for productivity data: Poisson regression for (t in 1:(nyears-1)){ J[t] ~ dpois(rho[t]) rho[t] <- R[t] * f[t] } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(nyears = nyears, marray.j = marray.j, marray.a = marray.a, y = popcount, J = J, R = R, r.j = rowSums(marray.j), r.a = rowSums(marray.a)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(l.mphij = rnorm(1, 0.2, 0.5), l.mphia = rnorm(1, 0.2, 0.5), l.mfec = rnorm(1, 0.2, 0.5), l.mim = rnorm(1, 0.2, 0.5), l.p = rnorm(1, 0.2, 1), sig.phij = runif(1, 0.1, 10), sig.phia = runif(1, 0.1, 10), sig.fec = runif(1, 0.1, 10), sig.im = runif(1, 0.1, 10), n1 = round(runif(1, 1, 50), 0), nadSurv = round(runif(1, 5, 50), 0), nadimm = round(runif(1, 1, 50), 0))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("phij", "phia", "f", "omega", "p", "lambda", "mphij", "mphia", "mfec", "mim", "mlam", "sig.phij", "sig.phia", "sig.fec", "sig.im", "N1", "NadSurv", "Nadimm", "Ntot") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 5 min) ipm.hoopoe <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "ipm.hoopoe.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Code for Fig. 11-7 par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, mar = c(5, 6, 1.5, 2), las = 1) lower <- upper <- numeric() year <- 2002:2010 for (i in 1:nyears){ lower[i] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.025) upper[i] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$Ntot[,i], 0.975)} m1 <- min(c(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$Ntot, popcount, lower), na.rm = T) m2 <- max(c(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$Ntot, popcount, upper), na.rm = T) plot(0, 0, ylim = c(0, m2), xlim = c(1, nyears), ylab = "Population size", xlab = " ", col = "black", type = "l", axes = F, frame = F) axis(2) axis(1, at = 1:nyears, labels = year) polygon(x = c(1:nyears, nyears:1), y = c(lower, upper[nyears:1]), col = "grey90", border = "grey90") points(popcount, type = "l", col = "grey30", lwd = 2) points(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$Ntot, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 2) legend(x = 2, y = 25, legend = c("Counts", "Estimates"), lty = c(1, 1),lwd = c(2, 2), col = c("grey30", "blue"), bty = "n", cex = 1) lower <- upper <- numeric() T <- nyears-1 for (t in 1:T){ lower[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[,t], 0.025) upper[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[,t], 0.975)} par(mgp=c(3.8,1,0)) plot(y = ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$phij, x = (1:T)+0.5, xlim= c(1, 9), type = "b", pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.6), ylab = "Annual survival probability", xlab = "", axes = F, cex = 1.5, frame = F, lwd = 2) axis(2) axis(1, at = 1:(T+1), labels = 2002:2010) segments((1:T)+0.5, lower, (1:T)+0.5, upper, lwd = 2) segments(1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mphij, T+1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mphij, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphij, 0.025), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphij, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphij, 0.975), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphij, 0.975), lty = 2, col = "red") for (t in 1:T){ lower[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[,t], 0.025) upper[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[,t], 0.975)} points(y=ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$phia, x = (1:T)+0.5, type = "b", pch = 1, cex = 1.5, lwd = 2) segments((1:T)+0.5, lower, (1:T)+0.5, upper, lwd = 2) segments(1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mphia, T+1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mphia, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphia, 0.025), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphia, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphia, 0.975), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mphia, 0.975), lty = 2, col = "red") legend(x = 4.5, y = 0.66, legend = c("Adults", "Juveniles"), pch = c(1, 16), bty = "n") lower <- upper <- numeric() T <- nyears-1 for (t in 1:T){ lower[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[,t], 0.025) upper[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[,t], 0.975)} plot(y=ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$f, x = (1:T), type = "b", pch = 16, ylim = c(5, 9), ylab = "Fecundity (fledgling / female)", xlab = "", axes = F, cex = 1.5, frame = F, lwd = 2) axis(2) axis(1, at = 1:T, labels = 2003:2010) segments((1:T), lower, (1:T), upper) segments(1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mfec, T, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mfec, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mfec, 0.025), T, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mfec, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mfec, 0.975), T, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mfec, 0.975), lty = 2, col = "red") lower <- upper <- numeric() T <- nyears-1 for (t in 1:T){ lower[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[,t], 0.025) upper[t] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[,t], 0.975)} plot(y = ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$omega, x = (1:T)+0.5, xlim = c(1, 9), type = "b", pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 1.1), ylab = "Immigration rate", xlab = "", axes = F, cex = 1.5, frame = F, lwd = 2) axis(2) axis(1, at = 1:(T+1), labels = 2002:2010) segments((1:T)+0.5, lower, (1:T)+0.5, upper) segments(1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mim, T+1, ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$mean$mim, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mim, 0.025), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mim, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "red") segments(1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mim, 0.975), T+1, quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mim, 0.975), lty = 2, col = "red") # Code for Fig. 11-8 and some descriptive statistics nyears <- 9 lambda.h <- lam.lower.h <- lam.upper.h <- numeric() Fitted.h <- lower.h <- upper.h <- matrix(NA, nrow = nyears-1, ncol = 4) for (i in 1:(nyears-1)){ lambda.h[i] <- mean(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[,i]) lam.lower.h[i] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[,i], 0.025) lam.upper.h[i] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[,i], 0.975) } for (i in 1:(nyears-1)){ Fitted.h[i,1] <- mean(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[,i]) lower.h[i,1] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[,i], 0.025) upper.h[i,1] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[,i], 0.975) } for (i in 1:(nyears-1)){ Fitted.h[i,2] <- mean(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[,i]) lower.h[i,2] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[,i], 0.025) upper.h[i,2] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[,i], 0.975) } for (i in 1:(nyears-1)){ Fitted.h[i,3] <- mean(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[,i]) lower.h[i,3] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[,i], 0.025) upper.h[i,3] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[,i], 0.975) } for (i in 1:(nyears-1)){ Fitted.h[i,4] <- mean(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[,i]) lower.h[i,4] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[,i], 0.025) upper.h[i,4] <- quantile(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[,i], 0.975) } # Calculate some correlation coefficients correl.h <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = 5001) for (i in 1:5001){ correl.h[i,1] <- cor(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[i,], ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phij[i,]) correl.h[i,2] <- cor(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[i,], ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phia[i,]) correl.h[i,3] <- cor(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[i,], ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$f[i,]) correl.h[i,4] <- cor(ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$lambda[i,], ipm.hoopoe$BUGSoutput$sims.list$omega[i,]) } # Credible intervals of correlation coefficients quantile(correl.h[,1], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE) quantile(correl.h[,2], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE) quantile(correl.h[,3], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE) quantile(correl.h[,4], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE) # Compute the posterior modes of correlation coefficients m <- density(correl.h[,1], na.rm = TRUE) m$x[which(m$y==max(m$y))] m <- density(correl.h[,2], na.rm = TRUE) m$x[which(m$y==max(m$y))] m <- density(correl.h[,3], na.rm = TRUE) m$x[which(m$y==max(m$y))] m <- density(correl.h[,4], na.rm = TRUE) m$x[which(m$y==max(m$y))] # Probability that correlation coefficients (r) > 0 sum(correl.h[!is.na(correl.h[,1]),1]>0)/5001 sum(correl.h[!is.na(correl.h[,2]),2]>0)/5001 sum(correl.h[!is.na(correl.h[,3]),3]>0)/5001 sum(correl.h[!is.na(correl.h[,4]),4]>0)/5001 # Plot Fig. 11-8 par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5.5, 4, 1.5, 1), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las = 1, cex = 1) linecol <- c("grey70") plot(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,1], type = "n", xlim = c(0.05, 0.25), ylim = c(0.6, 1.8), ylab = "Population growth rate", xlab = "Juvenile survival", frame = FALSE, pch = 19) segments(Fitted.h[,1], lam.lower.h, Fitted.h[,1], lam.upper.h, col = linecol) segments(lower.h[,1], lambda.h, upper.h[,1], lambda.h, col = linecol) points(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,1], pch = 19, col = "black") text(x = 0.13, y = 0.75, "r = 0.75 (0.11, 0.90)", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) text(x = 0.13, y = 0.65, "P(r>0) = 0.97", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) par(mar = c( 5.5, 4, 1.5, 1)) plot(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,2], type = "n", xlim = c(0.3, 0.51), ylim = c(0.6, 1.8), ylab = "", xlab = "Adult survival", frame.plot = FALSE, pch = 19) segments(Fitted.h[,2], lam.lower.h, Fitted.h[,2], lam.upper.h, col = linecol) segments(lower.h[,2], lambda.h, upper.h[,2], lambda.h, col = linecol) points(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,2], pch = 19, col = "black") text(x = 0.295, y = 1.75, "r = 0.26 (-0.44, 0.73)", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) text(x = 0.295, y = 1.65, "P(r>0) = 0.71", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1)) plot(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,3], type = "n", xlim = c(5, 8.5), ylim = c(0.6, 1.8), ylab = "Population growth rate", xlab = "Fecundity", frame.plot = FALSE, pch = 19) segments(Fitted.h[,3], lam.lower.h, Fitted.h[,3], lam.upper.h, col = linecol) segments(lower.h[,3], lambda.h, upper.h[,3], lambda.h, col = linecol) points(y=lambda.h, Fitted.h[,3], pch = 19, col = "black") text(x = 5, y = 1.75, "r = 0.70 (0.21, 0.87)", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) text(x = 5, y = 1.65, "P(r>0) = 0.99", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) par(mar = c( 5, 4, 2, 1)) plot(y = lambda.h, Fitted.h[,4], type = "n", xlim = c(0, 0.8), ylim = c(0.6, 1.8), ylab = "", xlab = "Immigration rate", frame.plot = FALSE, pch = 19) segments(Fitted.h[,4], lam.lower.h, Fitted.h[,4], lam.upper.h, col = linecol) segments(lower.h[,4], lambda.h, upper.h[,4], lambda.h, col = linecol) points(y=lambda.h, Fitted.h[,4], pch = 19, col = "black") text(x = 0.35, y = 0.8, "r = 0.83 (-0.29, 0.94)", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) text(x = 0.35, y = 0.7, "P(r>0) = 0.86", pos = 4, font = 3, cex = 0.8) ###################################################################################################### # # 12. Metapopulation modeling of abundance using hierarchical Poisson regression: binomial mixture models # ####################################################################################################### # 12.2. Generation and analysis of simulated data # 12.2.1. The simplest case with constant parameters # Determine sample sizes (spatial and temporal replication) R <- 200 T <- 3 # Create structure to contain counts y <- array(dim = c(R, T)) # Sample abundance from a Poisson(lambda = 2) N <- rpois(n = R, lambda = 2) # Sample counts from a Binomial(N, p = 0.5) for (j in 1:T){ y[,j] <- rbinom(n = R, size = N, prob = 0.5) } # Look at realization of biological and observation processes cbind(N, y) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors lambda ~ dgamma(0.005, 0.005) # Standard vague prior for lambda # lambda ~ dunif(0, 10) # Other possibility p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood # Biological model for true abundance for (i in 1:R) { N[i] ~ dpois(lambda) # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:T) { y[i,j] ~ dbin(p, N[i]) } # j } # i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, R = nrow(y), T = ncol(y)) # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, 1, max) + 1 # This line is important inits <- function() list(N = Nst) # Parameters monitored params <- c("lambda", "p") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 0.1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 2) # 12.2.2. Introducing covariates # Define function for generating binomial-mix model data data.fn <- function(R = 200, T = 3, xmin = -1, xmax = 1, alpha0 = 1, alpha1 = 3, beta0 = 0, beta1 = -5){ # R: number of sites at which counts were made (= number of spatial reps) # T: number of times that counts were made at each site # (= number of temporal reps) # xmin, xmax: define range of the covariate X # alpha0 and alpha1: intercept and slope of log-linear regression # relating abundance to the site covariate A # beta0 and beta1: intercept and slope of logistic-linear regression # of detection probability on A y <- array(dim = c(R, T)) # Array for counts # Ecological process # Covariate values: sort for ease of presentation X <- sort(runif(n = R, min = xmin, max = xmax)) # Relationship expected abundance - covariate lam <- exp(alpha0 + alpha1 * X) # Add Poisson noise: draw N from Poisson(lambda) N <- rpois(n = R, lambda = lam) table(N) # Distribution of abundances across sites sum(N > 0) / R # Empirical occupancy totalN <- sum(N) ; totalN # Observation process # Relationship detection prob - covariate p <- plogis(beta0 + beta1 * X) # Make a ‘census’ (i.e., go out and count things) for (i in 1:T){ y[,i] <- rbinom(n = R, size = N, prob = p) } # Naďve regression naive.pred <- exp(predict(glm(apply(y, 1, max) ~ X + I(X^2), family = poisson))) # Plot features of the simulated system par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(X, lam, main = "Expected abundance", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "lambda", las = 1, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 3, frame.plot = FALSE) plot(X, N, main = "Realised abundance", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "N", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, col = "red", cex = 1.2) plot(X, p, ylim = c(0, 1), main = "Detection probability", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "p", type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 3, las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) plot(X, naive.pred, main = "Actual counts \n and naďve regression", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "Relative abundance", ylim = c(min(y), max(y)), type = "l", lty = 2, lwd = 4, col = "blue", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) points(rep(X, T), y, col = "black", cex = 1.2) # Return stuff return(list(R = R, T = T, X = X, alpha0 = alpha0, alpha1 = alpha1, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, lam = lam, N = N, totalN = totalN, p = p, y = y)) } data <- data.fn() str(data) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha0 ~ dunif(-10, 10) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta0 ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Likelihood # Ecological model for true abundance for (i in 1:R){ N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[i] # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:T){ y[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) p[i,j] <- exp(lp[i,j])/(1+exp(lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- beta0 + beta1 * X[i] } #j } #i # Derived quantities totalN <- sum(N[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data y <- data$y win.data <- list(y = y, R = nrow(y), T = ncol(y), X = data$X) # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, 1, max) + 1 # Important to give good inits for latent N inits <- function() list(N = Nst, alpha0 = runif(1, -1, 1), alpha1 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta0 = runif(1, -1, 1), beta1 = runif(1, -1, 1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("totalN", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1") # MCMC settings ni <- 22000 nt <- 20 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 4 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 3) # Plot posteriors par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha0, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "alpha0", las = 1) abline(v = data$alpha0, lwd = 3, col = "red") hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha1, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "alpha1", las = 1) abline(v = data$alpha1, lwd = 3, col = "red") hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta0, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "beta0", las=1) abline(v = data$beta0, lwd = 3, col = "red") hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta1, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "beta1", las = 1) abline(v = data$beta1, lwd = 3, col = "red") # Plot predicted covariate relationship with abundance plot(data$X, data$N, main = "", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "Abundance", las = 1, ylim = c(0, max(data$N)), frame.plot = FALSE) lines(data$X, data$lam, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 3) GLM.pred <- exp(predict(glm(apply(data$y, 1, max) ~ X + I(X^2), family = poisson, data = data))) lines(data$X, GLM.pred, type = "l", lty = 2, col = "blue", lwd = 3) Nmix.pred <- exp(out$BUGSoutput$mean$alpha0 + out$BUGSoutput$mean$alpha1 * data$X) points(data$X, Nmix.pred, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3) # 12.3. Analysis of real data: Open-population binomial-mixture model # Get the data and put them into 3D array bdat <- read.table("fritillary.txt", header = TRUE) y <- array(NA, dim = c(95, 2, 7)) # 95 sites, 2 reps, 7 days for(k in 1:7){ sel.rows <- bdat$day == k y[,,k] <- as.matrix(bdat)[sel.rows, 3:4] } y # Look at data set in 3D layout str(y) # Have a look at raw data day.max <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max, na.rm = TRUE) # Max count each site and day day.max site.max <- apply(day.max, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE) # Max count each site site.max table(site.max) # Frequency distribution of max counts plot(table(site.max)) table(site.max>0) # Observed occupancy is only 56% # Sum of observed max as conventional estimator of total abundance max1 <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) obs.max.sum <- apply(max1, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) obs.max.sum # 12.3.1. Simple Poisson model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Nmix0.jags") cat(" model { # Priors for (k in 1:7){ alpha.lam[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) p[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) } # Likelihood # Ecological model for true abundance for (k in 1:7){ # Loop over days (7) lambda[k] <- exp(alpha.lam[k]) for (i in 1:R){ # Loop over R sites (95) N[i,k] ~ dpois(lambda[k]) # Abundance # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:T){ # Loop over temporal reps (2) y[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[k], N[i,k]) # Detection # Assess model fit using Chi-squared discrepancy # Compute fit statistic E for observed data eval[i,j,k] <- p[k] * N[i,k] # Expected values E[i,j,k] <- pow((y[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k] + 0.5) # Generate replicate data and compute fit stats for them y.new[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[k], N[i,k]) E.new[i,j,k] <- pow((y.new[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k] + 0.5) } #j } #i } #k # Derived and other quantities for (k in 1:7){ totalN[k] <- sum(N[,k]) # Total pop. size across all sites mean.abundance[k] <- exp(alpha.lam[k]) } fit <- sum(E[,,]) fit.new <- sum(E.new[,,]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data R = nrow(y) T = ncol(y) win.data <- list(y = y, R = R, T = T) # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) + 1 Nst[is.na(Nst)] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(N = Nst, alpha.lam = runif(7, -1, 1))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("totalN", "mean.abundance", "alpha.lam", "p", "fit", "fit.new") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 8 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out0 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Nmix0.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out0, dig = 3) # Evaluation of fit plot(out0$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit, out0$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new, main = "", xlab = "Discrepancy actual data", ylab = "Discrepancy replicate data", frame.plot = FALSE) abline(0, 1, lwd = 2, col = "black") mean(out0$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new > out0$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit) mean(out0$BUGSoutput$mean$fit) / mean(out0$BUGSoutput$mean$fit.new) # 12.3.2. Zero-inflated Poisson binomial-mixture model (ZIP binomial-mixture model) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Nmix1.jags") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0, 1) for (k in 1:7){ alpha.lam[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) p[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) } # Likelihood # Ecological model for true abundance for (i in 1:R){ # Loop over R sites (95) z[i] ~ dbern(omega) # Latent suitability state for (k in 1:7){ # Loop over survey periods (seasons) N[i,k] ~ dpois(lam.eff[i,k]) # Latent abundance state lam.eff[i,k] <- z[i] * lambda[i,k] log(lambda[i,k]) <- alpha.lam[k] # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:T){ # Loop over temporal reps (2) y[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[k], N[i,k]) # Detection # Assess model fit using Chi-squared discrepancy # Compute fit statistic for observed data eval[i,j,k] <- p[k] * N[i,k] E[i,j,k] <- pow((y[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k] + 0.5) # Generate replicate data and compute fit stats for them y.new[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[k], N[i,k]) E.new[i,j,k] <- pow((y.new[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k]+0.5) } #j } #k } #i # Derived and other quantities for (k in 1:7){ totalN[k] <- sum(N[,k]) # Estimate total pop. size across all sites mean.abundance[k] <- exp(alpha.lam[k]) } fit <- sum(E[,,]) fit.new <- sum(E.new[,,]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data R = nrow(y) T = ncol(y) win.data <- list(y = y, R = R, T = T) # Initial values # It is advisable to give initial values for the latent state z, the best option is to provide a vector of 1 Nst <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) + 1 Nst[is.na(Nst)] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(N = Nst, alpha.lam = runif(7, -1, 1), z = rep(1, 95))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("omega", "totalN", "alpha.lam", "p", "mean.abundance", "fit", "fit.new") # MCMC settings ni <- 30000 nt <- 15 nb <- 15000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) out1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Nmix1.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out1, dig = 3) # Evaluation of fit plot(out1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit, out1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new, main = "", xlab = "Discrepancy actual data", ylab = "Discrepancy replicate data", frame.plot = FALSE) abline(0, 1, lwd = 2, col = "black") mean(out1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new > out1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit) mean(out1$BUGSoutput$mean$fit) / mean(out1$BUGSoutput$mean$fit.new) # 12.3.3. Binomial-mixture model with overdispersion in both abundance and detection # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Nmix2.jags") cat(" model{ # Priors for (k in 1:7){ alpha.lam[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) } # Abundance site and detection site-by-day random effects for (i in 1:R){ eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.lam) # Abundance noise } tau.lam <- 1 / (sd.lam * sd.lam) sd.lam ~ dunif(0, 3) tau.p <- 1 / (sd.p * sd.p) sd.p ~ dunif(0, 3) # Likelihood # Ecological model for true abundance for (i in 1:R){ # Loop over R sites (95) for (k in 1:7){ # Loop over days (7) N[i,k] ~ dpois(lambda[i,k]) # Abundance log(lambda[i,k]) <- alpha.lam[k] + eps[i] # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:T){ # Loop over temporal reps (2) y[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[i,j,k], N[i,k]) # Detection p[i,j,k] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j,k])) lp[i,j,k] ~ dnorm(beta[k], tau.p) # random delta defined implicitly # Assess model fit using Chi-squared discrepancy # Compute fit statistic for observed data eval[i,j,k] <- p[i,j,k] * N[i,k] E[i,j,k] <- pow((y[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k]+0.5) # Generate replicate data and compute fit stats for them y.new[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[i,j,k], N[i,k]) E.new[i,j,k] <- pow((y.new[i,j,k] - eval[i,j,k]),2) / (eval[i,j,k]+0.5) } #j ik.p[i,k] <- mean(p[i,,k]) } #k } #i # Derived and other quantities for (k in 1:7){ totalN[k] <- sum(N[,k]) # Estimate total pop. size across all sites mean.abundance[k] <- mean(lambda[,k]) mean.N[k] <- mean(N[,k]) mean.detection[k] <- mean(ik.p[,k]) } fit <- sum(E[,,]) fit.new <- sum(E.new[,,]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data R = nrow(y) T = ncol(y) win.data <- list(y = y, R = R, T = T) # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) + 1 Nst[is.na(Nst)] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(N = Nst, alpha.lam = runif(7, -3, 3), beta = runif(7, -3, 3), sd.lam = runif(1, 0, 1), sd.p = runif(1, 0, 1))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("totalN", "alpha.lam", "beta", "sd.lam", "sd.p", "mean.abundance", "mean.N", "mean.detection", "fit", "fit.new") # MCMC settings ni <- 350000 nt <- 300 nb <- 50000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 215 min) out2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Nmix2.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Evaluation of fit plot(out2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit, out2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new, main = "", xlab = "Discrepancy actual data", ylab = "Discrepancy replicate data", frame.plot = FALSE, xlim = c(50, 200), ylim = c(50, 200)) abline(0, 1, lwd = 2, col = "black") mean(out2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit.new > out2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$fit) mean(out2$BUGSoutput$mean$fit) / mean(out2$BUGSoutput$mean$fit.new) # Summarize posteriors print(out2, dig = 2) max.day.count <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max, na.rm = TRUE) max.day.count[max.day.count == "-Inf"] <- NA mean.max.count <- apply(max.day.count, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE) mean.max.count par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) plot(1:7, mean.max.count, xlab = "Day", ylab = "Mean daily abundance", las = 1, ylim = c(0, 16), type = "b", main = "", frame.plot = FALSE, pch = 16, lwd = 2) lines(1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[25:31,5], type = "b", pch = 16, col = "blue", lwd = 2) segments(1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[25:31,3], 1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[25:31,7], col = "blue") plot(1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[32:38,1], xlab = "Day", ylab = "Detection probability ", las = 1, ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b", col = "blue", pch = 16, frame.plot = FALSE, lwd = 2) segments(1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[32:38,3], 1:7, out2$BUGSoutput$summary[32:38,7], col = "blue") ################################################################################################################### # # 13. Metapopulation modeling of species distributions using hierarchical logistic regression: Site-occupancy models # #################################################################################################################### # 13.2. What happens when p<1 and constant and p is not accounted for in a species distribution model? nreps <- 10^5 # No. replicates estimates <- array(NA, dim = c(nreps, 2)) # Array to contain the estimates R <- 250 # No. sites for (i in 1:nreps) { cat(i, "\n") ; flush.console() x <- runif(R, 0, 10) # choose covariate values state<-rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = plogis(-3 + 1 * x)) # Occ. state obs <- rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = 0.6) * state # Observations fm <- glm(obs~x, family = binomial) estimates[i,] <- fm$coef } par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) hist(estimates[,1], col = "gray", nclass = 50, main = "", xlab = "Intercept estimates", las = 1, ylab = "", freq = FALSE) abline(v = -3, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Truth hist(estimates[,2], col = "gray", nclass = 50, main = "", xlab = "Slope estimates", xlim = c(0,1), las = 1, ylab = "", freq = FALSE) abline(v = 1, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Truth plot(1:10, plogis(estimates[1,1] + estimates[1,2] * (1:10)), col = "gray", lwd = 1, ylab = "Occupancy probability", xlab = "Covariate value", type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1), frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1) samp <- sample(1:nreps, 1000) for (i in samp){ lines(1:10, plogis(estimates[i,1] + estimates[i,2] * (1:10)), col = "gray", lwd = 1, type = "l") } lines(1:10, plogis(-3 + 1 * (1:10)), col = "red", lwd = 3, type = "l") # 13.3. Generation and analysis of simulated data for single-season occupancy # 13.3.1. The simplest possible site-occupancy model # Select sample sizes (spatial and temporal replication) R <- 200 T <- 3 # Determine process parameters psi <- 0.8 # Occupancy probability p <- 0.5 # Detection probability # Create structure to contain counts y <- matrix(NA, nrow = R, ncol = T) # Ecological process: Sample true occurrence (z, yes/no) from a Bernoulli (occurrence probability = psi) z <- rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = psi) # Latent occurrence state # Observation process: Sample detection/nondetection observations from a Bernoulli(with p) if z=1 for (j in 1:T){ y[,j] <- rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = z * p) } # Look at truth and at our imperfect observations sum(z) # Realized occupancy among 200 surveyed sites sum(apply(y, 1, max)) # Observed occupancy # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors psi ~ dunif(0, 1) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood # Ecological model for true occurrence for (i in 1:R) { z[i] ~ dbern(psi) p.eff[i] <- z[i] * p # Observation model for replicated detection/nondetection observations for (j in 1:T) { y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i]) } #j } #i # Derived quantities occ.fs <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among the 200 } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, R = nrow(y), T = ncol(y)) # Initial values zst <- apply(y, 1, max) # Observed occurrence as starting values for z inits <- function() list(z = zst) # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "p", "occ.fs") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 nt <- 2 nb <- 200 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 2) # 13.3.2. Site-occupancy models with covariates # Define function for generating species distribution data data.fn <- function(R = 200, T = 3, xmin = -1, xmax = 1, alpha.psi = -1, beta.psi = 3, alpha.p = 1, beta.p = -3) { y <- array(dim = c(R, T)) # Array for counts # Ecological process # Covariate values X <- sort(runif(n = R, min = xmin, max = xmax)) # Relationship expected occurrence - covariate psi <- plogis(alpha.psi + beta.psi * X) # Apply inverse logit # Add Bernoulli noise: draw occurrence indicator z from Bernoulli(psi) z <- rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = psi) occ.fs <- sum(z) # Finite-sample occupancy (see Royle and Kéry 2007) # Observation process # Relationship detection prob - covariate p <- plogis(alpha.p + beta.p * X) # Make a ‘census’ p.eff <- z * p for (i in 1:T){ y[,i] <- rbinom(n = R, size = 1, prob = p.eff) } # Naďve regression naive.pred <- plogis(predict(glm(apply(y, 1, max) ~ X + I(X^2), family = binomial))) # Plot features of the simulated system par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(X, psi, main = "Expected occurrence", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "Occupancy probability", las = 1, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 3, frame.plot = FALSE) plot(X, z, main = "Realised (true) occurrence", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "Occurrence", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, col = "red",) plot(X, p, ylim = c(0,1), main = "Detection probability", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "p", type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "red", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) plot(X, naive.pred, main = "Detection/nondetection observations \n and conventional SDM", xlab = "Covariate", ylab = "Apparent occupancy", ylim = c(min(y), max(y)), type = "l", lwd = 3, lty = 2, col = "blue", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) points(rep(X, T), y) # Return stuff return(list(R = R, T = T, X = X, alpha.psi = alpha.psi, beta.psi = beta.psi, alpha.p = alpha.p , beta.p = beta.p, psi = psi, z = z, occ.fs = occ.fs, p = p, y = y)) } sodata <- data.fn() str(sodata) # Look at data summary(glm(apply(y, 1, max) ~ X + I(X^2), family = binomial, data = sodata)) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha.occ ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta.occ ~ dunif(-10, 10) alpha.p ~ dunif(-10, 10) beta.p ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Likelihood for (i in 1:R) { # True state model for the partially observed true state z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) # True occupancy z at site i logit(psi[i]) <- alpha.occ + beta.occ * X[i] for (j in 1:T) { # Observation model for the actual observations y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) # Detection-nondetection at i and j p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha.p + beta.p * X[i] } #j } #i # Derived quantities occ.fs <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among those studied } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = sodata$y, X = sodata$X, R = nrow(sodata$y), T = ncol(sodata$y)) # Initial values zst <- apply(sodata$y, 1, max) #Good inits for latent states essential inits <- function(){list(z = zst, alpha.occ = runif(1, -3, 3), beta.occ = runif(1, -3, 3), alpha.p = runif(1, -3, 3), beta.p = runif(1, -3, 3))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha.occ", "beta.occ", "alpha.p", "beta.p", "occ.fs") # MCMC settings ni <- 10000 nt <- 8 nb <- 2000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) TRUTH <- c(sodata$alpha.psi, sodata$beta.psi, sodata$alpha.p, sodata$beta.p, sum(sodata$z)) print(cbind(TRUTH, out$BUGSoutput$summary[c(1:4, 6), c(1,2,3,7)]), dig = 3) sum(apply(sodata$y, 1, sum) > 0)# Apparent number of occupied sites naive.pred <- plogis(predict(glm(apply(sodata$y, 1, max) ~ X + I(X^2), family = binomial, data = sodata))) lin.pred2 <- out$BUGSoutput$mean$alpha.occ + out$BUGSoutput$mean$beta.occ * sodata$X plot(sodata$X, sodata$psi, ylim = c(0, 1), main = "", ylab = "Occupancy probability", xlab = "Covariate", type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "red", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) lines(sodata$X, naive.pred, ylim = c(0 ,1), type = "l", lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "blue") lines(sodata$X, plogis(lin.pred2), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "blue") # 13.4. Analysis of real data set: Single-season occupancy model # Read in the data data <- read.table("bluebug.txt", header = TRUE) # Collect the data into suitable structures y <- as.matrix(data[,4:9]) # as.matrix essential for WinBUGS y[y>1] <- 1 # Reduce counts to 0/1 edge <- data$forest_edge dates <- as.matrix(data[,10:15]) hours <- as.matrix(data[,16:21]) # Standardize covariates mean.date <- mean(dates, na.rm = TRUE) sd.date <- sd(dates[!is.na(dates)]) DATES <- (dates-mean.date)/sd.date # Standardise date DATES[is.na(DATES)] <- 0 # Impute zeroes (means) mean.hour <- mean(hours, na.rm = TRUE) sd.hour <- sd(hours[!is.na(hours)]) HOURS <- (hours-mean.hour)/sd.hour # Standardise hour HOURS[is.na(HOURS)] <- 0 # Impute zeroes (means) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.jags") cat(" model { # Priors alpha.psi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta.psi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta2.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta3.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta4.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Likelihood # Ecological model for the partially observed true state for (i in 1:R) { z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) # True occurrence z at site i psi[i] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lpsi.lim[i])) lpsi.lim[i] <- min(999, max(-999, lpsi[i])) lpsi[i] <- alpha.psi + beta.psi * edge[i] # Observation model for the observations for (j in 1:T) { y[i,j] ~ dbern(mu.p[i,j]) # Detection-nondetection at i and j mu.p[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp.lim[i,j])) lp.lim[i,j] <- min(999, max(-999, lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- alpha.p + beta1.p * DATES[i,j] + beta2.p * pow(DATES[i,j], 2) + beta3.p * HOURS[i,j] + beta4.p * pow(HOURS[i,j], 2) } #j } #i # Derived quantities occ.fs <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites mean.p <- exp(alpha.p) / (1 + exp(alpha.p)) # Sort of average detection } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, R = nrow(y), T = ncol(y), edge = edge, DATES = DATES, HOURS = HOURS) # Initial values zst <- apply(y, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE) # Good starting values crucial inits <- function(){list(z = zst, alpha.psi=runif(1, -3, 3), alpha.p = runif(1, -3, 3))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha.psi", "beta.psi", "mean.p", "occ.fs", "alpha.p", "beta1.p", "beta2.p", "beta3.p", "beta4.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 30000 nt <- 10 nb <- 20000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT < 1 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 2) # Posterior distribution of the number of occupied sites in actual sample hist(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$occ.fs, nclass = 30, col = "gray", main = "", xlab = "Number of occupied woodpiles (occ.fs)", xlim = c(9, 27)) abline(v = 10, lwd = 2) # The observed number Pstar <- array(NA, dim = c(out$BUGSoutput$n.sims, 10)) x <- cbind(rep(1, 3000), rep(2, 3000), rep(3, 3000), rep(4, 3000), rep(5, 3000), rep(6, 3000), rep(7, 3000), rep(8, 3000), rep(9, 3000), rep(10, 3000)) for (i in 1:out$BUGSoutput$n.sims) { for (j in 1:10){ Pstar[i,j] <- 1 - (1 - out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mean.p[i])^j } #j } #i boxplot(Pstar ~ x, col = "gray", las = 1, ylab = "Pstar", xlab = "Number of surveys", outline = FALSE) abline(h = 0.95, lty = 2, lwd = 2) par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) hist(plogis(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha.psi), nclass = 40, col = "gray", main = "Forest interior", xlab = "Occupancy probability", xlim = c(0, 1)) hist(plogis(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha.psi+ out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta.psi), nclass = 40, col = "gray", main = "Forest edge", xlab = "Occupancy probability", xlim = c(0, 1)) # Predict effect of time of day with uncertainty mcmc.sample <- out$BUGSoutput$n.sims original.date.pred <- seq(0, 60, length.out = 30) original.hour.pred <- seq(180, 540, length.out = 30) date.pred <- (original.date.pred - mean.date)/sd.date hour.pred <- (original.hour.pred - mean.hour)/sd.hour p.pred.date <- plogis(out$BUGSoutput$mean$alpha.p + out$BUGSoutput$mean$beta1.p * date.pred + out$BUGSoutput$mean$beta2.p * date.pred^2 ) p.pred.hour <- plogis(out$BUGSoutput$mean$alpha.p + out$BUGSoutput$mean$beta3.p * hour.pred + out$BUGSoutput$mean$beta4.p * hour.pred^2 ) array.p.pred.hour <- array.p.pred.date <- array(NA, dim = c(length(hour.pred), mcmc.sample)) for (i in 1:mcmc.sample){ array.p.pred.date[,i] <- plogis(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha.p[i] + out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta1.p[i] * date.pred + out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta2.p[i] * date.pred^2) array.p.pred.hour[,i] <- plogis(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$alpha.p[i] + out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta3.p[i] * hour.pred + out$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta4.p[i] * hour.pred^2) } # Plot for a subsample of MCMC draws sub.set <- sort(sample(1:mcmc.sample, size = 200)) par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) plot(original.date.pred, p.pred.date, main = "", ylab = "Detection probability", xlab = "Date (1 = 1 July)", ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l", lwd = 3, frame.plot = FALSE) for (i in sub.set){ lines(original.date.pred, array.p.pred.date[,i], type = "l", lwd = 1, col = "gray") } lines(original.date.pred, p.pred.date, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue") plot(original.hour.pred, p.pred.hour, main = "", ylab = "Detection probability", xlab = "Time of day (mins after noon)", ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l", lwd = 3, frame.plot = FALSE) for (i in sub.set){ lines(original.hour.pred, array.p.pred.hour[,i], type = "l", lwd = 1, col = "gray") } lines(original.hour.pred, p.pred.hour, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 13.5. Dynamic (multi-season) site-occupancy models # 13.5.1. Generation and analysis of simulated data data.fn <- function(R = 250, J = 3, K = 10, psi1 = 0.4, range.p = c(0.2, 0.4), range.phi = c(0.6, 0.8), range.gamma = c(0, 0.1)) { # Function to simulate detection/nondetection data for dynamic site-occ model # Annual variation in probabilities of patch survival, colonization and # detection is specified by the bounds of a uniform distribution. # Function arguments: # R - Number of sites # J - Number of replicate surveys # K - Number of years # psi1 - occupancy probability in first year # range.p - bounds of uniform distribution from which annual p drawn # range.psi and range.gamma - same for survival and colonization probability # Set up some required arrays site <- 1:R # Sites year <- 1:K # Years psi <- rep(NA, K) # Occupancy probability muZ <- z <- array(dim = c(R, K)) # Expected and realized occurrence y <- array(NA, dim = c(R, J, K)) # Detection histories # Determine initial occupancy and demographic parameters psi[1] <- psi1 # Initial occupancy probability p <- runif(n = K, min = range.p[1], max = range.p[2]) phi <- runif(n = K-1, min = range.phi[1], max = range.phi[2]) gamma <- runif(n = K-1, min = range.gamma[1], max = range.gamma[2]) # Generate latent states of occurrence # First year z[,1] <- rbinom(R, 1, psi[1]) # Initial occupancy state # Later years for(i in 1:R){ # Loop over sites for(k in 2:K){ # Loop over years muZ[k] <- z[i, k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-z[i, k-1])*gamma[k-1] # Prob for occ. z[i,k] <- rbinom(1, 1, muZ[k]) } } # Plot realised occupancy plot(year, apply(z, 2, mean), type = "l", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Occupancy or Detection prob.", col = "red", xlim = c(0,K+1), ylim = c(0,1), lwd = 2, lty = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1) lines(year, p , type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2) # Generate detection/nondetection data for(i in 1:R){ for(k in 1:K){ prob <- z[i,k] * p[k] for(j in 1:J){ y[i,j,k] <- rbinom(1, 1, prob) } } } # Compute annual population occupancy for (k in 2:K){ psi[k] <- psi[k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-psi[k-1])*gamma[k-1] } # Plot apparent occupancy psi.app <- apply(apply(y, c(1,3), max), 2, mean) lines(year, psi.app, type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 2) text(0.85*K, 0.06, labels = "red solid - true occupancy\n red dashed - detection\n black - observed occupancy") # Return data return(list(R = R, J = J, K = K, psi = psi, psi.app = psi.app, z = z, phi = phi, gamma = gamma, p = p, y = y)) } data <- data.fn(R = 250, J = 3, K = 10, psi1 = 0.6, range.p = c(0.1, 0.9), range.phi = c(0.7, 0.9), range.gamma = c(0.1, 0.5)) attach(data) str(data) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Dynocc.jags") cat(" model { # Specify priors psi1 ~ dunif(0, 1) for (k in 1:(nyear-1)){ phi[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) gamma[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) p[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) } p[nyear] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Ecological submodel: Define state conditional on parameters for (i in 1:nsite){ z[i,1] ~ dbern(psi1) for (k in 2:nyear){ muZ[i,k]<- z[i,k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-z[i,k-1])*gamma[k-1] z[i,k] ~ dbern(muZ[i,k]) } #k } #i # Observation model for (i in 1:nsite){ for (j in 1:nrep){ for (k in 1:nyear){ muy[i,j,k] <- z[i,k]*p[k] y[i,j,k] ~ dbern(muy[i,j,k]) } #k } #j } #i # Derived parameters: Sample and population occupancy, growth rate and turnover psi[1] <- psi1 n.occ[1]<-sum(z[1:nsite,1]) for (k in 2:nyear){ psi[k] <- psi[k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-psi[k-1])*gamma[k-1] n.occ[k] <- sum(z[1:nsite,k]) growthr[k-1] <- psi[k]/psi[k-1] # originally we had growthr[k]. JAGS seem to dislike vectoring going from 2..K. turnover[k-1] <- (1 - psi[k-1]) * gamma[k-1]/psi[k] } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, nsite = dim(y)[1], nrep = dim(y)[2], nyear = dim(y)[3]) # Initial values zst <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) # Observed occurrence as inits for z inits <- function(){ list(z = zst)} # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "phi", "gamma", "p", "n.occ", "growthr", "turnover") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 4 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 3 min) out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Dynocc.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out, dig = 2) psiall <- paste("psi[", 1:K, "]", sep="") print(cbind(data$psi, out$BUGSoutput$summary[psiall, c(1, 2, 3, 7)]), dig = 3) phiall <- paste("phi[", 1:(K-1), "]", sep="") print(cbind(data$phi, out$BUGSoutput$summary[phiall, c(1, 2, 3, 7)]), dig = 3) gammaall <- paste("gamma[", 1:(K-1), "]", sep="") print(cbind(data$gamma, out$BUGSoutput$summary[gammaall, c(1, 2, 3, 7)]), dig = 3) pall <- paste("p[", 1:K, "]", sep="") print(cbind(data$p, out$BUGSoutput$summary[pall, c(1, 2, 3, 7)]), dig = 3) plot(1:K, data$psi, type = "l", xlab = "Year", ylab = "Occupancy probability", col = "red", xlim = c(0,K+1), ylim = c(0,1), lwd = 2, lty = 1, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1) lines(1:K, data$psi.app, type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 2) points(1:K, out$BUGSoutput$mean$psi, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 2) segments(1:K, out$BUGSoutput$summary[psiall,3], 1:K, out$BUGSoutput$summary[psiall,7], col = "blue", lwd = 1) # 13.5.2. Dynamic occupancy modeling in a real data set # Read in the data and put it into 3D array bdat <- read.table(file = "burnet.txt", header = T) str(bdat) y <- array(NA, dim = c(95, 2, 7)) # 95 sites, 2 reps, 7 days for (i in 1:7){ sel.rows <- bdat$day == i y[,,i] <- as.matrix(bdat)[sel.rows, 3:4] } str(y) # Convert counts to detection/nondetection data y[y>0] <- 1 # Look at the number of sites with detections for each day tmp <- apply(y, c(1,3), max, na.rm = TRUE) tmp[tmp == "-Inf"] <- NA apply(tmp, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, nsite = dim(y)[1], nrep = dim(y)[2], nyear = dim(y)[3]) # Initial values inits <- function(){ list(z = apply(y, c(1, 3), max))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "phi", "gamma", "p", "n.occ", "growthr", "turnover") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 nt <- 4 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Dynocc.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out1, dig = 3) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Dynocc2.jags") cat(" model { # Specify priors psi1 ~ dunif(0, 1) for (k in 1:(nyear-1)){ phi[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) gamma[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) } p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Both models at once for (i in 1:nsite){ z[i,1] ~ dbern(psi1) # State model 1: Initial state muy[i,1] <- z[i,1]*p y[i,1] ~ dbin(muy[i,1], 2) for (k in 2:nyear){ # State model 2: State dynamics muZ[i,k] <- z[i,k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-z[i,k-1])*gamma[k-1] z[i,k] ~ dbern(muZ[i,k]) # Observation model muy[i,k] <- z[i,k]*p y[i,k] ~ dbin(muy[i,k], 2) } #k } #i # Derived parameters: Sample and population occupancy, growth rate and turnover psi[1] <- psi1 n.occ[1] <- sum(z[1:nsite,1]) for (k in 2:nyear){ psi[k] <- psi[k-1]*phi[k-1] + (1-psi[k-1])*gamma[k-1] n.occ[k] <- sum(z[1:nsite,k]) growthr[k-1] <- psi[k]/psi[k-1] turnover[k-1] <- (1 - psi[k-1]) * gamma[k-1]/psi[k] } } # end of model ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Aggregate detections over reps within a day and bundle data yy <- apply(y, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE) win.data <- list(y = yy, nsite = dim(yy)[1], nyear = dim(yy)[2]) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(z = apply(y, c(1, 3), max))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "phi", "gamma", "p", "n.occ", "growthr", "turnover") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Dynocc2.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posterior print(out2, dig = 3) DAY <- cbind(rep(1, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(2, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(3, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(4, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(5, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(6, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims), rep(7, out2$BUGSoutput$n.sims)) boxplot(out2$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi ~ DAY, col = "gray", ylab = "Occupancy probability", xlab = "Day of survey", las = 1, frame.plot = FALSE) apply(apply(y, c(1, 3), max), 2, function(x){sum(!is.na(x))}) # 13.6. Multistate occupancy models owls <- read.table("owls.txt", header = TRUE) str(owls) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model1.jags") cat(" model { # Priors p2 ~ dunif(0, 1) psi ~ dunif(0, 1) r ~ dunif(0, 1) for (i in 1:3) { beta[i] ~ dgamma(1, 1) # Induce Dirichlet prior p3[i] <- beta[i]/sum(beta[]) } # Define state vector for (s in 1:R){ phi[s,1] <- 1 - psi # Prob. of non-occupation phi[s,2] <- psi * (1-r) # Prob. of occupancy without repro phi[s,3] <- psi * r # Prob. of occupancy and repro } # Define observation matrix # Order of indices: true state, time, observed state for (t in 1:T){ p[1,t,1] <- 1 p[1,t,2] <- 0 p[1,t,3] <- 0 p[2,t,1] <- 1-p2 p[2,t,2] <- p2 p[2,t,3] <- 0 p[3,t,1] <- p3[1] p[3,t,2] <- p3[2] p[3,t,3] <- p3[3] } # State-space likelihood # State equation: model of true states (z) for (s in 1:R){ z[s] ~ dcat(phi[s,]) } # Observation equation for (s in 1:R){ for (t in 1:T){ y[s,t] ~ dcat(p[z[s],t,]) } #t } #s # Derived quantities for (s in 1:R){ occ1[s] <- equals(z[s], 1) occ2[s] <- equals(z[s], 2) occ3[s] <- equals(z[s], 3) } n.occ[1] <- sum(occ1[]) # Sites in state 1 n.occ[2] <- sum(occ2[]) # Sites in state 2 n.occ[3] <- sum(occ3[]) # Sites in state 3 } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Bundle data y <- as.matrix(owls[, 2:6]) y <- y + 1 win.data <- list(y = y, R = dim(y)[1], T = dim(y)[2]) # Initial values zst <- apply(y, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE) zst[zst == "-Inf"] <- 1 inits <- function(){list(z = zst)} # Parameters monitored params <- c("p2", "p3", "r", "psi", "n.occ") # Might want to add "z" # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 nt <- 2 nb <- 500 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT <1 min) out1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model1.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out1, dig = 2) # Specifiy model in BUGS language sink("model2.jags") cat(" model { # Priors psi ~ dunif(0, 1) r ~ dunif(0,1 ) for (t in 1:T){ p2[t] ~ dunif(0, 1) for (i in 1:3) { beta[i,t] ~ dgamma(1, 1) # Induce Dirichlet prior p3[i,t] <- beta[i,t]/sum(beta[,t]) } #i } #t # Define state vector for (s in 1:R){ phi[s,1] <- 1 - psi # Prob. of non-occupation phi[s,2] <- psi * (1-r) # Prob. of occupancy without repro. phi[s,3] <- psi * r # Prob. of occupancy and repro } # Define observation matrix # Order of indices: true state, time, observed state for (t in 1:T){ p[1,t,1] <- 1 p[1,t,2] <- 0 p[1,t,3] <- 0 p[2,t,1] <- 1-p2[t] p[2,t,2] <- p2[t] p[2,t,3] <- 0 p[3,t,1] <- p3[1,t] p[3,t,2] <- p3[2,t] p[3,t,3] <- p3[3,t] } # State-space likelihood # State equation: model of true states (z) for (s in 1:R){ z[s] ~ dcat(phi[s,]) } # Observation equation for (s in 1:R){ for (t in 1:T){ y[s,t] ~ dcat(p[z[s],t,]) } #t } #s # Derived quantities for (s in 1:R){ occ1[s] <- equals(z[s], 1) occ2[s] <- equals(z[s], 2) occ3[s] <- equals(z[s], 3) } n.occ[1] <- sum(occ1[]) # Sites in state 1 n.occ[2] <- sum(occ2[]) # Sites in state 2 n.occ[3] <- sum(occ3[]) # Sites in state 3 } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Call JAGS from R (BRT 1 min) out2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model2.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) # Summarize posteriors print(out2, dig = 2) ################################################################################################################### # # Appendix 2: Two further useful multistate capture-recapture models # #################################################################################################################### # 1. Estimation of age-specific survival probabilities # 1.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phi.juv <- 0.3 phi.ad <- 0.65 p <- 0.5 n.occasions <- 6 n.states <- 3 n.obs <- 3 marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(200, n.occasions) # Juveniles marked[,2] <- rep(30, n.occasions) # Adults marked[,3] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Dead individuals # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 0, phi.juv, 1-phi.juv, 0, phi.ad, 1-phi.ad, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 0, 0, 1, 0, p, 1-p, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed in WinBUGS! # 1 = seen alive as juvenile, 2 = seen alive as adult, 3 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 3 # 1.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("age.jags") cat(" model { #---------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phi.juv: juvenile survival probability # phi.ad: adult survival probability # p: recapture probability #---------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive as juvenile # 2 alive as adult # 3 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen as juvenile # 2 seen as adult # 3 not seen #---------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi.juv[t] <- mean.phijuv phi.ad[t] <- mean.phiad p[t] <- mean.p } mean.phijuv ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.phiad ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[1,i,t,2] <- phi.juv[t] ps[1,i,t,3] <- 1-phi.juv[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[2,i,t,2] <- phi.ad[t] ps[2,i,t,3] <- 1-phi.ad[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- 0 po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[1,i,t,3] <- 1 po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- p[t] po[2,i,t,3] <- 1-p[t] po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 0 po[3,i,t,3] <- 1 } #t } #i # State-space model likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State equation: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation equation: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1]) # Initial values # Good initial values for the latent state matrix need to be provided. The following function is a possibility that works well. age.ms.init <- function(ch){ init <- ch al <- which(ch==2, arr.ind = T) for (i in 1:nrow(al)){ init[al[i,1], f[al[i,1]]:al[i,2]] <- 2 } for (i in 1:nrow(init)){ init[i,1:f[i]] <- NA } return(init) } inits <- function(){list(mean.phijuv = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.phiad = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.p = runif(1, 0, 1), z = age.ms.init(rCH))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phijuv", "mean.phiad", "mean.p") # MCMC settings ni <- 2000 nt <- 3 nb <- 1000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 2 min) age <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "age.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(age, digits = 3) # 2. Accounting for immediate trap response # 2.2. Generation of simulated data # Define mean survival, transitions, recapture, as well as number of occasions, states, observations and released individuals phi <- 0.55 pss <- 0.75 pns <- 0.3 n.occasions <- 10 n.states <- 3 n.obs <- 2 marked <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.states, nrow = n.occasions) marked[,1] <- rep(100, n.occasions) # Alive, seen marked[,2] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Alive, not seen marked[,3] <- rep(0, n.occasions) # Dead # Define matrices with survival, transition and recapture probabilities # These are 4-dimensional matrices, with # Dimension 1: state of departure # Dimension 2: state of arrival # Dimension 3: individual # Dimension 4: time # 1. State process matrix totrel <- sum(marked)*(n.occasions-1) PSI.STATE <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.states, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.STATE[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( phi*pss, phi*(1-pss), 1-phi, phi*pns, phi*(1-pns), 1-phi, 0, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # 2.Observation process matrix PSI.OBS <- array(NA, dim=c(n.states, n.obs, totrel, n.occasions-1)) for (i in 1:totrel){ for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ PSI.OBS[,,i,t] <- matrix(c( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ), nrow = n.states, byrow = TRUE) } #t } #i # Execute simulation function sim <- simul.ms(PSI.STATE, PSI.OBS, marked, unobservable = 2) CH <- sim$CH # Compute vector with occasion of first capture get.first <- function(x) min(which(x!=0)) f <- apply(CH, 1, get.first) # Recode CH matrix: note, a 0 is not allowed in WinBUGS! # 1 = seen, 2 = not seen rCH <- CH # Recoded CH rCH[rCH==0] <- 2 # 2.3. Analysis of the model # Specify model in BUGS language sink("immtrap.jags") cat(" model { #----------------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: # phi: survival probability # pss: recapture probability at t, given captured at t-1 # pns: recapture probability at t, given not captured at t-1 #----------------------------------------------------------- # States (S): # 1 alive, seen at t-1 # 2 alive, not seen at t-1 # 3 dead # Observations (O): # 1 seen # 2 not seen #----------------------------------------------------------- # Priors and constraints for (t in 1:(n.occasions-1)){ phi[t] <- mean.phi pss[t] <- mean.pss pns[t] <- mean.pns } mean.phi ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.pss ~ dunif(0, 1) mean.pns ~ dunif(0, 1) # Define state-transition and observation matrices for (i in 1:nind){ # Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t) for (t in f[i]:(n.occasions-1)){ ps[1,i,t,1] <- phi[t]*pss[t] ps[1,i,t,2] <- phi[t]*(1-pss[t]) ps[1,i,t,3] <- 1-phi[t] ps[2,i,t,1] <- phi[t]*pns[t] ps[2,i,t,2] <- phi[t]*(1-pns[t]) ps[2,i,t,3] <- 1-phi[t] ps[3,i,t,1] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,2] <- 0 ps[3,i,t,3] <- 1 # Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t) po[1,i,t,1] <- 1 po[1,i,t,2] <- 0 po[2,i,t,1] <- 0 po[2,i,t,2] <- 1 po[3,i,t,1] <- 0 po[3,i,t,2] <- 1 } #t } #i # State-space model likelihood for (i in 1:nind){ z[i,f[i]] <- y[i,f[i]] for (t in (f[i]+1):n.occasions){ # State equation: draw S(t) given S(t-1) z[i,t] ~ dcat(ps[z[i,t-1], i, t-1,]) # Observation equation: draw O(t) given S(t) y[i,t] ~ dcat(po[z[i,t], i, t-1,]) } #t } #i } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Bundle data jags.data <- list(y = rCH, f = f, n.occasions = dim(rCH)[2], nind = dim(rCH)[1], z = known.state.ms(rCH, 2)) # Initial values inits <- function(){list(mean.phi = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pss = runif(1, 0, 1), mean.pns = runif(1, 0, 1), z = 2*ms.init.z(rCH, f))} # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("mean.phi", "mean.pss", "mean.pns") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 nt <- 6 nb <- 10000 nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT 33 min) immtrap <- jags(jags.data, inits, parameters, "immtrap.jags", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, working.directory = getwd()) print(immtrap, digits = 3)